My friends were the most famous pastors in the world. They believe in money not God. Thats why they are no longer my friends.
and they can no longer make money in Gods name.
My friends were the most famous pastors in the world. They believe in money not God. Thats why they are no longer my friends.
and they can no longer make money in Gods name.
Covid killed Christianity because Pastors wanted to live tax free.
No tax no God.
Jesus always paid his taxes.
If you make one dime from the gosple you are the problem.
Only John loved Jesus. The other apostles and Paul wee in it for the money.
John was the only disciple Jesus loved
All the others started cults .
To become rich.
Read the Bible front to back 10 times and you will have wisdom.
You will never do that because you are a lazy asshole.
Church raped children and stole money. Church is dead.
Read the Bible front to back 10 times then get back to me.
Read it one time and get back to me.
Read John and Revelations once if you are too lazy.
You wont get smart but you at least wont be stupid.
17 17.
You think you are better than Trump?
Well do you punk?
Stay stupid I don't care.
I'll sell you something you don't need.
Read the Bible once I dare you.
If you wont shut the fuck up.
Read the Bible once. It wont hurt.
Read the Bible once.
I have met Jesus he in his physical form. He is my friend
He does not love people that wont read the Bible.
Read the Bible bitch. If you cant read listen to the Bible.
Dear Q from your posts I know you have never read the Bible. Read the Bible asshole.
Read the Bible don't be a moron.
Just read it dumb fuck this means too Q.
And you to Trump you have 15 days.
Read it bitch.
Read the mother fucking bible.
Dear precious Donald Trump if I was quarantined for 15 days because I might die I would read the Bible front to back.
Or have someone read it to you if you cant read.
You are a christian who has never read the Bible?
That means you aren't a Christian.
Books aren't bad learn to read.
Books make you smart read them.
Am I the last person on earth that can read a book? It's over.
Jesus no one on earth can read the Bible it is the end.
Jesus no one on earth can read the Bible it is the end.
Hey Trump how bout you read the Bible while you are doing nothing.
I need you to read the Bible.
Have you read the Bible? Tell us about it.
99% 0f anons have never read the Bible.
Satan wins.
Not for everyone.
It's obvious Q never read the Bible he worships Hollywood and new age bullshit.
Anons Trump will die if you don't get your shit together.
Q read the Bible, you have 15 days.
If Trump dies it's your fault.
Trump read the Bible you have 15 days off to do it.
You fed him a bunch of new age bullshit.
No I wont fix it for you for any price. .
Get saved get smart.
Stop being a know it all.
No one is falling for it.
Q don't be Judis.
If you think you are Judis resign.
Q this wont end well for you if you aren't a child of Christ.
Run away.
Satan invented gramar.
Trump doesn't know Jesus he lives vicariously through christians. Maybe Covid will save him.
Thats what Satan said.
The next 15 days is Trumps and Q's last days.
Covid killed Christianity.
The church is dead.
>The church is dead.
No pastor will ever make more than twenty dollars month.
The church is dead.
Trump has never read the Bible and never went to church, I don't Blaine him,
You have never read the Bible.