Regarding CLOWNS on this board we are not talking about free speech
The CIA CLOWN is not protected by free speech
This is called commercial or paid speech, advertising.
The CIA clowns are advertising the CABAL on our board and for FREE no less!
We cannot allow this to continue
We have become an avenue for the CABAL
We have to delete them before they come on our board.
Forget the BOOMS; for all we know the Team is waiting for us to get our act together.
The board is a really valuable asset to get the info to the normies
Donโt you think the enemy knows this?
They are using our board and our goodness to spread their satanic agenda, this is what they always do, they co-op the good and use for their nefarious purposes.
This is what they are doing to us
We cannot let it continue, we would be supporting the CABAL