I think we try to hard to make a connection between the news and the research we do here. Case in point, the Southwest-Airlines engine disaster. I have not seen or heard one explanation to make me think it was anything other than a freak mishap. If it was tampered with I strongly doubt the exact outcome could have been planned. To cause a specific death? Why? Who was she that anyone would risk exposure to kill her and in this fashion (which will now be painfully scrutinized for years). Had this not happened I strongly doubt anybody here would ever know who she was.
It was meant to embarrass Trump? Why/how? Because it highlights a maintenance/infrastructure deficiency with a private-sector company? To change the narrative? We are, I think, in agreement that Q-team doesn't place innocents in harm's way, so that cancels out most posts people are citing (All aboard/17). In my opinion, what happened was the introduction of chaos into a closed environment. Once that process began it would be next to impossible to predict, beforehand, the outcome. It easily could have been far, far worse…100% catastrophe. If people want to argue that was the desired outcome, fine, it wouldn't be the first time the deep state has attempted said outcome but, to argue it was 'seat specific,' or that only her death was the designed outcome, is a stretch. To me, a very unfortunate, and very rare, aviation disaster.