The publicty surrounding the story is interesting and potentially significant but worry about stolen dynamite?
Yesterday a schill clown warned that We the People would be attacked with (((their))) big bad bio weapon on the 19'th of March.
It's not that their threats aren't real, but cultist terror attacks are psycholgical ops inteded to diminish collective cognitive capacity and to "head the herd;" to drive us in (((their))) chosen direction.
911 was a spectacular example of this. The attack booted up the idiotic "war on terror" created great splitter issues schills continue to exploit.
All to distract us from the ongoing bust out of the US treasury by cultist traitors.
They have bankrupted and divided our country, and started a civil war we are fighting now. They have murdered thousads of US citizens, keeping life saving medicines from the market, by poisoning us with opiates etc etc.
We will win anons. And we will Live Forever. (See vidyaa)