New laws of physics?
How does a broken jet engine blade break off, THEN GO SIDEWAYS INTO THE FUSELAGE?
New laws of physics?
How does a broken jet engine blade break off, THEN GO SIDEWAYS INTO THE FUSELAGE?
Q, what have you done since peace in Korea yesterday? What a joke.
OK, makes sense. However, others have said there is a containment system made of kevlar. Wouldn't the fan have hit that at right angle, then gone straight out the back of the hole, not sideways?
" listens and says pistons were put back in wrong order"
heh, that's a con trying to get your $$$
Clowns have tiny peepees
What if Trump really has been a Spy?
Trump is probably 18 there
hmmm, Jew run over by Muslim, accidentally
He's wearing the same 'wedding' band as today.