Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.10887332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7386 >>7695 >>7909 >>8002

Guatemala vows to detain & send back caravan of illegal migrants heading to US


The Guatemalan government has vowed to catch and expel US-bound migrants who entered the country illegally from Honduras, citing fears over the spread of coronavirus. Some 3,000 people have already crossed the Guatemalan border.


The influx of migrants poses a serious health threat amid the ongoing pandemic, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei said while promising to push the group back.


“The order has been given to detain all those who entered illegally, and return them to the border of their country,” Giammattei said in a televised speech.


We will not allow any foreigner who has used illegal means to enter the country, to think that they have the right to come and infect us and put us at serious risk.


Around 3,000 people entered the country on Thursday, with many of them simply pushing their way through border crossing points. The migrants rushed deeper into Guatemala afterwards, with many boarding passing traffic to move faster. At least one migrant was killed as he attempted to climb onto a moving truck, graphic imagery circulating online shows.

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.10887345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7386 >>7695 >>7909 >>7974 >>8002

San Francisco mayor announces city will pay some pregnant women $1,000 a month — but only if they're black or Pacific Islander


Another race-based program


The mayor of San Francisco wants to help pregnant women with the financial burden of having and caring for an infant — but only certain pregnant women.


White, Asian, and Hispanic expectant mothers need not concern themselves with applying for help from the city's new program: It's only for black and Pacific Islander women.

What's that now?


Mayor London Breed announced the city's new Abundant Birth Project on Monday, the Miami Herald reported.


The public-private partnership will give $1,000 per month during a woman's pregnancy and for the first six months after the baby is born.


But the city is limiting the monies to only 150 black and Pacific Islander women who, the city said, have been on the wrong side of a "longstanding racial gap in birthing outcomes," the Herald said.


The mayor said hopes that so-called "basic income supplement" will be much bigger in the long term for the women who are able to secure it. She does not want them limited to just six months of post-birth help. The mayor has much more in mind: Two years of giving money to a group of moms selected by race.


Breed declared the program had "a goal of eventually providing a supplement for up to two years post-pregnancy."


"Providing guaranteed income support to mothers during pregnancy is an innovative and equitable approach that will ease some of the financial stress that all too often keeps women from being able to put their health first," Breed said in a statement, the Herald reported.


Noting the health aspects touted by the mayor's office, the paper reported:


Black women have the highest rate of preterm birth, which is when a baby is born too early — before 37 weeks of pregnancy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Preterm babies have higher rates of disability and death.


Black women had a preterm birth rate of 14% in 2018, which is around 50% higher than white women, who had a rate of 9%, according to the CDC.


The infant mortality rate is also highest for Black women at 10.8 deaths for every 1,000 births in 2018, more than double the rate for white women at 4.6, the CDC said. Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander women had the second-highest infant mortality rate at 9.4 deaths for every 1,000 births.


However, the mayor made it clear that health concerns were not the only reason for the program being available to only select races.


"The Abundant Birth Project is rooted in racial justice and recognizes that Black and Pacific Islander mothers suffer disparate health impacts, in part because of the persistent wealth and income gap," she said.

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:26 a.m. No.10887351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7386 >>7654 >>7695 >>7909 >>8002

Democrat Chris Murphy: ‘No Business Should Proceed’ in Senate After Trump Coronavirus Diagnosis


Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) wrote in a statement Friday that “no business should proceed” in the Senate, which would include the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, until the Senate understands the scope of the coronavirus spread in Washington, DC.


Murphy released a statement after President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, as Breitbart News reported.


He contended every person in Congress needs to get tested to find out the scope of the spread of the coronavirus in the Capitol and no business should continue until everyone gets tested. This would include the confirmation of Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court.


Murphy wrote, “Everyone in the Capitol complex needs to be tested. Every Republican Senator or staff member who was in close contact with Trump needs to quarantine. No business should proceed in the Senate until we understand the scope of this crisis.”


Everyone in the Capitol complex needs to be tested.


Every Republican Senator or staff member who was in close contact with Trump needs to quarantine.


No business should proceed in the Senate until we understand the scope of this crisis.


— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) October 2, 2020


Murphy’s statement came as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) issued a joint statement of their own rejecting a Trump administration offer in May to supply the Capitol with 1,000 rapid-result coronavirus tests.


“There is tremendous CoronaVirus testing capacity in Washington for the Senators returning to Capital (sic) Hill on Monday. Likewise the House, which should return but isn’t because of Crazy Nancy P. The 5 minute Abbott Test will be used,” Trump wrote in May.


McConnell said he plans to move “full steam ahead” with the confirmation of Judge Barrett.


He continued, “Just finished a great phone call with @POTUS. He’s in good spirits and we talked business — especially how impressed Senators are with the qualifications of Judge Barrett.”


He added, “Full steam ahead with the fair, thorough, timely process that the nominee, the Court, & the country deserve.”

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.10887371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7386 >>7429 >>7438 >>7695 >>7909 >>8002

Colorado Grants Full, Unconditional Pardons to Thousands with Past Marijuana Convictions


Colorado — Those members of government who are willing to challenge the status quo and stand against injustice are few and far between. Those members of government who not only stand against injustice but take action to reverse it are all but entirely mythical. Colorado Governor Jared Polis is not very mythical, however, he made a mythical move this week ande signed an executive order Thursday which grants a full, unconditional pardon to everyone convicted of possession of an ounce or less of marijuana.


All individuals previously convicted in the State of Colorado of a petty offense, misdemeanor, or felony for possession of one (1) ounce or less of marijuana under the following provisions are hereby granted a full and unconditional pardon for that conviction. This Executive Order only applies to convictions of one (1) ounce or less of marijuana and no other charges or convictions are pardoned by this Executive Order.


“We are finally cleaning up some of the inequities of the past by pardoning 2,732 convictions for Coloradans who simply had an ounce of marijuana or less. It’s ridiculous how being written up for smoking a joint in the 1970’s has followed some Coloradans throughout their lives and gotten in the way of their success,” Polis said.


NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano highlights the collateral consequences of a conviction, stating, “Thousands of citizens unduly carry the undue burden and stigmatization of a past conviction for behavior that is no longer considered to be a crime. Our sense of justice and our principles of fairness demand that officials move swiftly to right the past wrongs of cannabis prohibition and criminalization.”


Unlike other initiatives in states like Vermont and California, this is a sweeping pardon, meaning people do not have to apply for it. Those with state-level convictions as identified by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation are eligible for the pardon, and individuals do not need to submit an application in order to receive one.


The question most people are now asking is why the hell did this take so long? Colorado legalized marijuana in 2012. Why wasn’t this legislation passed then? Also, why stop at one ounce or less? Does possessing two ounces or more make you some kind of evil villain? Furthermore, why stop at marijuana? All drugs need to be legalized — now.


As states legalize marijuana at an ever increasing rate, what was once illegal in many states is now legal. However, many governors thus far have failed to advocate for releasing those who are currently incarcerated for the plant nor pardoning those who’ve been released. The time to do this is now.


Interesting timing

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.10887406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7415 >>7430

Twitter: Verified Users Wish Death on Trump, Violating Platform’s Rules


Twitter allowed wishes of death against President Donald Trump from its verified leftist users to stay on the platform Friday morning after the President announced that he and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for the Chinese coronavirus. Twitter clearly states that “hoping that someone dies as a result of a serious disease” is a violation of the platform’s terms of service, but has not taken widespread action against its “blue check” users.


“It’s been against my moral identity to tweet this for the past four years, but, I hope he dies,” tweeted Zara Rahim, a former national spokeswoman for Hillary Clinton’s campaign and Obama White House staffer. The tweet was initially highlighted by conservative producer and direction Robby Starbuck. This was just one prominent example of Twitter verified users wishing death on Trump. Some have deleted their comments and others have set their accounts private as a result of backlash.


She tried to delete her horrible tweet but @ZaraRahim is a communications person so she knows, the internet is forever. After finding out Trump had coronavirus, the former Obama WH staffer and Clinton National Spokeswoman tweeted "I hope he dies".


— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) October 2, 2020


Starbuck noted how the tweets violate Twitter’s rules. “‘Wishing, hoping or calling for serious harm on a person or a group of people’ is a major violation of Twitter’s terms of service,”


“Let’s see if [Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey] and @Twitter enforce this on all the leftists wishing, hoping and calling for serious harm to President Trump,” he added.


"Wishing, hoping or calling for serious harm on a person or a group of people" is a major violation of Twitter’s terms of service. Let’s see if @Jack and @Twitter enforce this on all the leftists wishing, hoping and calling for serious harm to President Trump. Here’s their rule.


— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) October 2, 2020


Twitter’s rules regarding abusive behavior state that that the platform does “not tolerate content that wishes, hopes or expresses a desire for death, serious bodily harm or fatal disease against an individual or group of people.


“This includes, but is not limited to: Hoping that someone dies as a result of a serious disease e.g., ‘I hope you get cancer and die,'” the Twitter Rules further clarify. But the rules didn’t stop a long list of verified accounts contributing their hopes that the President dies.


“I hope they both die,” wrote California congressional candidate Steve Cox.


No I’m not. I hope they both die.


— Steve Cox (@RealSteveCox) October 2, 2020


“I hope he suffers through this and dies as he’s losing on election night,” tweeted Lisa Curry.


I hope he suffers through this and dies as he’s losing on election night.


— A$AP CURRY (@lisa_curry) October 2, 2020


“I hope they die!” tweeted a musical started known as Must Die.


I hope they die!


— MUST DIE! (@MUSTDIEmusic) October 2, 2020


“I ONLY EVER WANTED YOU TO SUFFER,” added the entertainer.




— MUST DIE! (@MUSTDIEmusic) October 2, 2020


“This might be my favorite so far,” tweeted filmmaker Mike Diva in response to a pro-coronavirus meme.


This might be my favorite so far 👏🏻


— ◢ M i k e D i v a ◣ (@mikediva) October 2, 2020

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.10887433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7584 >>7695 >>7909 >>8002

Armenian PM: Turkey in Azerbaijan to ‘Continue Armenian Genocide’


Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said in a statement on Thursday that Turkey is attempting “to continue the Armenian Genocide” through its involvement in Yerevan’s dispute with neighboring Azerbaijan.


Fighting erupted last weekend on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan over a region known as Nagorno-Karabakh, which is majority ethnic Armenian but falls within the established border of Azerbaijan, established during the Soviet era. Local Armenian separatists declared themselves the sovereign state of Artsakh in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union, leading to war in the 1990s followed by occasional skirmishes. Neither Armenia nor Azerbaijan recognizes Artsakh as a state, though Armenian officials hinted this week the nation may consider doing so in light of recent hostilities.


It remains unclear how the current hostilities began, as both sides claim the other began firing across the border. The fighting has expanded far beyond Nagorno-Karabakh in the last five days. On Thursday, Armenian officials reported that they had shot down an Azeri drone near Yerevan, the nation’s capital.


During the last round of skirmishes in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Azeri government threatened to bomb Armenia’s nuclear power plant, Metsamor.


“The Armenian side must not forget that our army’s state-of-the-art missile systems allow us to strike the Metsamor nuclear plant with precision, which could lead to a great catastrophe for Armenia,” Vagif Dargahli, a spokesman for the Azeri Defense Ministry, said.


Metsamor, a leftover of the Soviet era, is considered one of the world’s most dangerous nuclear plants due to its lack of containment mechanisms.


In his statement Thursday, Pashinyan accused Turkey, which has offered military support to Azerbaijan and stands accused of funneling Syrian fighters into Nagorno-Karabakh, of attempting to complete the Armenian Genocide of 1915, which Turkey still denies happened. Turkey killed as many as 1.2 million of the 1.5 million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire at the time, in addition to annihilating other Christian populations like Assyrians and Greeks.

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.10887461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7476 >>7584 >>7772

Chinese yuan ends quarter with biggest gains in 12 years


The Chinese currency has started drawing investor attention as a safe haven asset from volatility after its best performance in more than a decade.


The onshore renminbi gained almost four percent in the three-month period ending September 30, the most since early 2008. Its offshore counterpart advanced by more than four percent. That exceeded traditional Group-of-10 currencies like the Swiss franc and the Japanese yen.


Analysts say Beijing’s success in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic fallout has attracted both praise and investment, and fueled speculation that the yuan could become a new sanctuary for the risk-averse.


The offshore yuan has been “less volatile throughout this time period and the liquidity in the currency remains quite good relative to many currencies,” Brad Bechtel, global head of foreign exchange at Jefferies, said in a Bloomberg TOPLive blog. “China has done a lot of work on improving their capital markets and access to those markets and that is likely to continue which will improve liquidity and attract capital flows.”


This week, investors sent the offshore yuan to its highest level since May 2019, with the currency rallying as much as 0.8 percent on Thursday, the most in almost three months. Data showed that overseas holdings of Chinese sovereign debt have risen 22 percent this year through August.


China is projected to be the only major economy to grow this year after the coronavirus battered global productivity. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg expect the nation’s GDP to rise 2.1 percent compared to a 4.4-percent estimated drop in the United States.


According to Bechtel, the renminbi now often trades as much per day as the franc or sterling. Trading in the currency grew 41 percent between 2016 and 2019.


Analysts still point to some risks and barriers to the yuan’s wider use despite its growing influence. Data from the International Monetary Fund showed that while global reserves in the Chinese currency have grown to 2.1 percent, up from 1.4 percent two years ago, more than 60 percent of holdings are still denominated in the US currency. They also say that the Chinese currency could be vulnerable to volatility ahead of the US election.


“Political debate will naturally focus on the US-China trade relations, with possible questions over the continuity of the Phase one deal, and whether new trade measures are likely to be considered,” Chang Wei Liang, a macro strategist at DBS Banking in Singapore, said. “This could stoke tensions, and keep yuan traders wary.”

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.10887496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7513 >>7695 >>7909 >>8002

8,000 Lawsuits Against Bayer, Down 30%, Monsanto Death Spiral


Two years ago the Bayer-#Monsanto death spiral began. They plunged another 11% today


— GMWatch (@GMWatch) October 1, 2020


Shares in Bayer plunged 11% after it flagged that adjusted profit may slip next year and it may have to write down the value of agriculture assets by close to 10 billion euros ($11.7 billion).


Bayer, which acquired seed maker Monsanto in 2018, said late on Wednesday that the impact of the coronavirus on the agriculture business will be more severe than originally expected because of competition in soy, lower biofuel demand and negative currency effects.


The company now expects 2021 sales to come in at around the 2020 levels, with 2021 core earnings per share slightly below 2020 levels, based on constant exchange rates.


“Since Monsanto was acquired, Bayer has delivered its basket of bad news every year and it is clear now that the group will not deliver the revenue growth expected at the time of this acquisition,” said Jean-Jacques Le Fur, an analyst at brokerage Bryan Garnier.

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.10887531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7584 >>7695 >>7909 >>8002

US widens probe into Astrazeneca's Covid jab after patient develops rare spinal disorder during trials


A probe into how a patient became ill during trials of Astrazeneca's potential Covid-19 jab has been widened in the US.


The Food & Drug Administration will examine data from past trials of similar vaccines developed by the same scientists, sources told Reuters.


It is a blow to Astra's proposed vaccine – jointly developed by scientists at Oxford University and Astra – which is one of the most advanced among global candidates but could now face further delays.


Large trials of the vaccine were paused in the US on September 6 after a participant in the British trials developed what was thought to be a rare spinal inflammatory disorder.


The trials were also paused in other countries such as the UK but have since resumed there.


Data requested by the FDA was expected to arrive this week, according to reports, and will take time to be analysed.


The FDA wants to determine whether any side effects experienced by the British patient in Astra's trials emerged in trials of other vaccines designed by Oxford University, Reuters reported.


Astrazeneca said yesterday: 'We are continuing to work with the FDA to facilitate review of the information needed to make a decision regarding resumption of the US trial.'

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.10887556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7584 >>7643 >>7986

Joe Biden smashes his own $360m monthly fundraising record as his campaign changes course and says it WILL reach out to voters at their homes after halting door-knocks for the pandemic


After months of avoiding direct contact with voters because of the pandemic, Joe Biden's campaign is about to launch door-to-door canvassing across battleground states.


The sudden change in tactics comes as the campaign prepared to announce a stunning cash haul that exceeds the $364.5 million the campaign and the Democratic National Committee raised in August.


That amount includes an eye-popping $24 million raised on a single day, Sept. 30 – the day after the first presidential debate, the New York Times reported. Another $10 million came during prime time the night of the debate.


The decision comes amid growing concern from Democratic officials on the ground in key states who fear that Biden has been giving a significant advantage to President Donald Trump and his Republican allies, who have been aggressively courting voters at their doorsteps for months. The reversal also reflects a sense of rising urgency as polls tighten just a month before Election Day.


Just weeks ago, the Biden camp was contrasting its strategy, which relies on telephone and digital outreach amid the pandemic, even as Team Trump emphasized in-person voter contacts.


Democratic officials have been extremely critical of the GOP's tactics. Lily Adams, a spokesperson for the Democratic National Committee, tweeted in August that the Trump campaign was 'risking the lives of their staff, the lives of voters and risking becoming a super spreader organization during the middle of a pandemic.'


'We think what voters are looking for right now is responsible leadership and that comes from the VP and what he's saying, but it also comes from the campaign,' deputy states director for the campaign Molly Ritner told NPR in mid-September.


The reversal comes a day after Biden – who Trump regularly accuses of hiding out in his basement – took a train tour through Ohio and Pennsylvania and held events where groups of supporters turned out.


Biden´s campaign, which detailed the new effort to The Associated Press, insists that its existing phone and online voter outreach is effective. The new plans will build upon what's already in place, not replace it.


'Our voter contact operation is the most innovative and technologically advanced of any presidential campaign in history, and it has been thriving in this unprecedented environment,' Biden campaign manager Jenn O'Malley Dillon said.

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.10887583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7695 >>7909 >>8002

The War On Terror Gone Mad: Chicago Police Consider Expired Parking A “Public Safety Threat”


America’s ‘War On Terror’ has gone mad.


Two recent Chicago Tribune stories describe how America’s ‘War on Terror’ has been taken to an absurd level by the Mayor of Chicago, Illinois, and the Chicago Police Department.


The first article describes how the Chicago police have considered vehicles at expired parking meters to be a “public safety threat,” since at least April 30th.


“The only ticketing that is going to be happening is if there is a car or other vehicle posing some kind of public safety threat. But the normal ticketing should be suspended until April 30,” she said during a March 18 news conference. “So, for example, an expired meter that is otherwise legally parked and not posing a public safety threat, you should not be getting ticketed.”


Over the past seven months the city of Chicago has issued more than 35,000 parking tickets.


“Try telling that to anyone else who got hit with one of the more than 35,000 parking tickets the city issued during the period Mayor Lori Lightfoot told the public they’d be getting a break.”


A Chicago Police Department (CPD) Special Order S04-14-04 titled “Parking and Compliance Violations” goes into greater detail as to how the police department handles parking violations.


How do Chicagoans fight an expired parking meter ticket? And more importantly a “public safety threat” designation?


A look at the City of Chicago’s “Contesting Tickets “link” has no information about how a person can petition the city to have their name removed from the list. But it does give residents the option to request a hearing.


It is unknown if the police department considers 35,000 Chicagoans, public safety threats or if their names and vehicle information have been entered into DHS’s Illinois, Fusion Centers’ database.


For now, there does not appear to be anyway for people to have their names removed from Chicago’s public safety threat list.

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.10887615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7695 >>7707 >>7909 >>8002

Hong Kong police arrest at least 60 people for attending a banned march on China's National Day after pro-Beijing leader Carrie Lam cheers the city's 'return to stability'


Hong Kong police have arrested at least 60 people on suspicion of unauthorised assembly on China’s National Day holiday after crowds gathered on the streets of a popular shopping district chanting pro-democracy slogans.


Riot police have flooded the streets of Hong Kong to stamp out anti-government protests during China's National Day celebrations as pro-Beijing leader Carrie Lam has cheered the city's 'return to stability'.


Hundreds of officers in riot gear were seen on Thursday patrolling and heckling pro-democracy activists who were attending a banned march against a sweeping national security law imposed by Beijing.


The city's heightened security comes after its Chief Executive Lam participated in a flag-raising ceremony with other senior Hong Kong and mainland officials today to celebrate the Communist regime's 71st anniversary.


Over the past three months, the plain truth is, and it is obvious to see, that stability has been restored to society while national security has been safeguarded, and our people can continue to enjoy their basic rights and freedoms,' Lam said.


As she spoke, groups of officers in riot gear conducted stop-and-search operations along an expected marching route linking the prime shopping district of Causeway Bay with the administrative Admiralty district.


Protesters wanted to march against Beijing's imposition of a sweeping national security law on June 30 and demand the return of 12 Hong Kong people China arrested at sea in August on their way to self-ruled Taiwan.


But authorities had denied permission for a protest march this year, citing security concerns and an anti-coronavirus ban on more than four people gathering in public.

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.10887655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7707 >>7720 >>7909 >>8002

Leader of 'white supremacist' Proud Boys is state director of unofficial support group called Latinos for Trump and has ties to Republicans including the president's son Don Jr., Senator Ted Cruz and Roger Stone, who is a member


The leader of the Proud Boys, the 'white supremacist' group at the center of the presidential debate furor, is a state director of Latinos for Trump and ran for Congress as a Republican, can reveal.


Donald Trump told the Proud Boys to 'stand back and stand by' after he was asked to denounce their alleged white supremacist views during the presidential debate Tuesday night.


Afterwards Trump's son and spokesman both tried to downplay the comment, calling it a 'misspeak'. The president backpedaled on Wednesday telling reporters he had never heard of the group. can reveal the Proud Boys national chairman, Enrique Tarrio, is close to the Republican party, having been pictured with the president's son Don Jr. and currently serving as the Florida state director of the political support group Latinos for Trump.


But a spokesman for the Trump campaign told that neither Tarrio nor his ‘Latinos for Trump’ group are affiliated with the president’s official reelection campaign group the ‘Latinos for Trump Coalition’.


The individual you wrote about here is not affiliated with the Trump Campaign, our Latinos for Trump Coalition, or the Trump Family,’ the spokesman said. ‘He is also not the state director of our coalition and is not on our advisory board.’


Tarrio, 36, has been pictured with Trump confidant Roger Stone who is a Proud Boys member, the president's son Don Jr., Florida governor Rick Scott and senior Republican senator Ted Cruz, who co-sponsored a Senate resolution based on a petition written by Tarrio to designate the anarchist left wing group Antifa as a 'domestic terrorist organization'.


Trump lent his support to the proposal, which ultimately failed, tweeting in August last year, 'Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA an 'ORGANIZATION OF TERROR'.'


Tarrio posted a selfie of him and Donald Trump Jr. online with the caption: 'Blurry but at least we spoke about the rampant censorship of conservatives'.


He's also been pictured with former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw.


Tarrio was also caught on camera at the infamous 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, wearing body armor and a badge with the insignia of the 'Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights', a paramilitary wing of the Proud Boys.


He claims he left before violence erupted at the march.


The business owner and Miami-born son of Cuban immigrants was promoted from president of his city's Proud Boys chapter to become the group's national chairman in November 2018.


Tarrio, who runs a security equipment firm, claims the Proud Boys has a 'similar atmosphere' to his Cuban upbringing and in a 2018 interview described his Miami chapter as 'a frat with a political lean.'


He told the Miami New Times his parents became conservative after fleeing Castro's Cuba.


'My house, at like 7 o'clock in the morning, there's like 20 people in my house, talking about politics, roasting each other, just making fun of each other. I was brought up in that environment, so that kind of brings me into the f***ery that comes along with being a Proud Boy,' he said.


Despite supporting Trump's criticism of 'lawless' Democrat-run cities, as a younger man Tarrio had several run-ins with the law.


Age 20 in 2004, he was sentenced to three years probation for stealing a motorcycle worth $55,000, and in 2013, he was sentenced to 16 months in federal prison for his part in a scheme to sell stolen diabetic test strip kits.



Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.10887678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7707

WHAT? Andrew Cuomo Now Claiming New York Didn’t Put Coronavirus Patients Into Nursing Homes


When it comes to Coronavirus deaths, the state of New York leads the entire country.


The main reason for this is that Governor Andrew Cuomo had a policy that nursing homes had to accept patients who were infected with the virus. Thousands of elderly people died as a result.


Yet now, he is flat-out claiming that this never happened. Is he for real?


FOX News reports:


New York’s Cuomo faces criticism of latest nursing home, coronavirus comments


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office is pushing back against the mounting criticism it received for claims the governor made about forcing nursing homes to accept patients who tested positive for COVID-19.


Finger Lakes News Radio asked Cuomo on Wednesday what he would tell families who blamed his March 25th health directive, which required nursing homes to accept patients.


Cuomo, a Democrat, said that nursing homes were never forced to accept COVID-19 patients from overloaded hospitals because the state had “flattened the curve so effectively, we always had available hospital beds. So, we never scrambled for beds, and we never needed nursing home beds because we always had hospital beds.


He added: “So, it just never happened in New York where we needed to say to a nursing home, ‘we need you to take this person even though they’re COVID-positive. It never happened.”


Here’s the audio of the interview:

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.10887685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7707

Israel Lockdown: There’s “NO WAY” The Lockdown Will End Soon


Israeli Health Minister Yuli Edelstein said Tuesday that there was “no way” the country’s second nationwide coronavirus lockdown would be lifted after three weeks as originally planned. Israelis are going to be on house arrest for the foreseeable future.


Israel imposed its second lockdown on September 18 after the coronavirus infection rate soared. It was originally scheduled to end on October 10, however, “the authorities” insist on keeping people locked up with no freedom for as long as possible. On Friday, the totalitarian measures were tightened further after the initial eight days of house arrest failed to bring down the world’s highest infection rate per capita.


Israel has closed schools and cultural events and the lockdown has closed the vast majority of workplaces, markets, and places of worship, according to a report by Medical Express.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he made a “mistake” reopening Israel’s economy, even though protests against the lockdowns have soared to point that the government is going to debate ways to limit and regular demonstrations against them. People have been protesting Netanyahu’s heavy-handed tyrannical response to the coronavirus for months.


Convoys of vehicles were meanwhile heading to Jerusalem to protest the more draconian restrictions on demonstrations.


People clearly don’t want to be enslaved, however, governments are doubling down at the commands of the elitists. The goal is a New World Order in which free-thinking will be impossible or punished harshly.


“The opening of the economy and our lives will be gradual and slow,” stated Edelstein. According to government (rigged and inaccurate) numbers, Israel has recorded more than 233,000 infections and 1,507 deaths in a population of nine million. According to military intelligence, not only does Israel have the world’s highest weekly infection rate per capita, its daily death rate per capita has passed that of the world’s hardest-hit country, the United States.

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.10887727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7795 >>7907 >>7909 >>8002

Joe Biden asked Xi to 'help him become President' as China seeks US election 'influence’


JOE BIDEN once jokingly asked Xi Jinping if "he could possibly help" him to become US President, unearthed footage reveals, as intelligence suggests China is having more "influence" on steering votes away from Donald Trump.


President Trump went head-to-head with Mr Biden in a fiery debate on Tuesday, which descended into squabbling, bickering and insults. Mr Trump questioned Mr Biden's intelligence before Mr Biden called him a clown, telling him to be quiet and asking: "Will you shut up, man?" All while the world was watching on.


As the pair fail to see eye-to-eye, an assessment from a top US official warns foreign powers will use "covert and overt influence measures" to try to sway US voters, singling out Russia, China and Iran.


Amid the concerns, footage of Mr Biden – then Vice President – at the opening of the US-China Strategic And Economic Dialogue in Washington DC has resurfaced.


He said in 2013: “We made it a time of transition on both sides. China has a new President and new leaders.


“I’ve had the great pleasure and honour of spending a fair amount of time with President Xi when President Hu and President Obama thought the two Vice Presidents should get to know one another.


“We ended up spending about 10 days together, five in each of our countries, travelling around and you get to know someone fairly well.


“When I congratulated him on his elevation, I asked if he could possibly help me, but he made no commitment whatsoever.


“All kidding aside, we welcome and look forward to the transition that is taking place on both sides.”


But Mr Biden’s comments are back in the spotlight again.


US-China relations have deteriorated markedly since then, with President Trump slapping tariffs on the country to correct what he says have been years of one-sided trade agreements.

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 10:56 a.m. No.10887760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7907

Promoting Zionism is not ‘education to end hate’


Instead of putting anti-racist education in the hands of the pro-Israel lobby, the California Department of Education should recommit to a true ethnic studies curriculum.


Last week, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced a new initiative, “Education to End Hate.” “Our country is facing two pandemics: coronavirus and hate,” he said. “It’s time to double down on our efforts to combat all forms of hate, bias and bigotry.” He contrasted his new initiative with President Trump’s attacks on the 1619 Project Curriculum, classroom materials developed by the New York Times that investigate how slavery has shaped America. As a result, Thurmond got great press for standing up for anti-racist, anti-bias education.


There’s only one problem. Education to End Hate rests on the false premise that any criticism of Israel or Zionism, any effort to examine Palestinian history or current realities in the region is inherently antisemitic. One of the three organizations providing professional development and resources for the program is the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Museum of Tolerance. The Wiesenthal Center has a long history of promoting Israel at all costs and trying to silence Palestinian voices. On September 2, Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean and founder of the center, wrote that Trump was a “non-Jewish hero” for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in the face of international law. Last year the center listed Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar’s criticism of Israel’s human rights abuses of Palestinians and support for the ability to boycott Israel as among the “Top 10 Worst Global Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel Incidents.” The center organizes extensively on college campuses to quash discussion of Palestine, and last year successfully pressured the Niles, Illinois, school district into canceling a class that would have taught teachers about Palestine.

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.10887822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7907 >>7914

‘Lipstick on a Pig:’ Plan to Pull US Troops from Germany Under Fire on Capitol Hill


The top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee this week expressed strong distaste for the Pentagon's plan to withdraw thousands of U.S. troops from Germany in keeping with the president’s order.


Committee ranking member Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, who is retiring this year, made the charge during a Wednesday hearing at which Pentagon officials were unable to give details on where many of the 11,900 troops to be withdrawn would go, how it would affect military families and how much it would cost.


Thornberry said that acting Pentagon policy chief James Anderson and Air Force Lt. Gen. David Allvin, director of strategy and plans for the Pentagon's Joint Staff, were put in the difficult position of defending an ill-considered withdrawal order from Trump in June.


The president was likely sold on the Germany withdrawal by "a couple of staffers in the White House [who] clearly hadn't thought through the consequences," Thornberry said.


The result is that Defense Secretary Mark Esper "and the folks at the Pentagon are trying to put lipstick on the pig or make lemons out of lemonade," he added.


Other committee members were equally critical in assessing the withdrawal plan and its potential impact on the NATO alliance and the National Defense Strategy.


"From a layperson's point of view, it looks like we've reduced our troop presence in Europe at a time that Russia is actually becoming more of a threat," Rep. Bradley Byrne, R-Ala., told Anderson and Allvin. "It looks like we're pulling back, and I think that bothers a lot of us."


Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., the committee's chairman, said he is frustrated by what he called the witnesses' inability to answer basic questions on the implementation of the plan.


"The level of detail that we're getting here is just not acceptable," he said. "What the hell is going on, so we can exercise our oversight?"


Smith and others on the panel said the withdrawal plan appears to have been put in place without consulting NATO alliance partners.


The failure to consult "plays right into Russia's hands," Smith said. "They want to see us divided. We should not play into their hands."

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.10887833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7907

State Department Approved $83.5 Billion in Arms Sales For 2020


Japan is the top customer for fiscal year 2020


The US State Department cleared $83.5 billion in Foreign Military Sales (FMS) for the fiscal year 2020. This amount is the highest in a single year for the Trump administration and is an increase of $15 billion from the 2019 fiscal year.


The $83.5 billion is spread out over 65 FMS cases notified to Congress. The number does not represent the total of actual arms sales for the year, just the total amount the State Department has approved. After Congress approves of the sales, negotiations begin, and the final dollar amount is agreed to.


Japan was Washington’s top customer for 2020, with five cases worth an estimated $27.9 billion. This number represents a significant increase in Japan’s military spending and is $20 billion more than Tokyo was approved for in 2019.


The Trump administration has been eager to push through arms sales, despite US arms fueling some of the worst conflicts in the world. A recent report from the Center for International Policy found the US was the top provider of weapons in the Middle East and North Africa from 2015 to 2019 by a wide margin. The study found opposing sides in wars across the region are both armed with US weapons.


The State Department has found itself in hot water over arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition in Yemen has regularly targeted civilian infrastructure throughout the war. State Department officials from both the Obama and Trump administrations fear arrest overseas for war crimes for facilitating these weapons sales.

Anonymous ID: 6eafa4 Oct. 2, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.10887920   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trump has 99% chance of a complete cure, recovery doing absolutely nothing: Dr. Marty Makary==


Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marty Makary weighs in on President Trump testing positive for coronavirus on ‘America’s Newsroom.’


White House: Trump experiencing 'mild symptoms' after positive coronavirus test, 'in good spirits'


Meadows did not elaborate on the types of symptoms the president was experiencing