So I was messing around looking at Q crumbs and deltas using significant numbers and looking for connections and I think this one applys to today. The Media has tried to paint POTUS as a racist asking multiple times to condemn white supremacy, which he does. The Media is Failing.
This is a 700 Day Delta 700 is a Holy Number,there was a lot in this, it is perfect for the time.
This had a few numbers line up 4 exact straight 12:54 and the dates 10/2/2020 – 11/2/2018 Muh Autism is getting the best of me lot's of 2's. TOGETHER, 2 gether, Duality has to come together, Husband and Wife, Man and Woman, Black and White people. Come Together and unite and WE can get through anything. 1 single becomes two 11=2 Together- To Get-Her
11/2/2018 | 10/2/2020
11 2201 8 1022-020
1+1=2 2201 8 1022 2=0+2+0
2 2201 8 1022 2
2+2+2+0+1=7 8 7=1+0+2+2+2