Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.10888125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8209 >>8332 >>8484 >>8645 >>8750

Judicial Watch: Pennsylvania Counties Admit They Gave Incorrect Voter Roll Information to Federal Government – Disclose Conflicting Numbers of Inactive Voters to Court


(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that the State of Pennsylvania and three Pennsylvania counties admitted they reported incorrect information to a federal agency concerning the removal of ineligible voters from their voter rolls. In April, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against Pennsylvania and three of its counties for failing to make reasonable efforts to remove ineligible voters from their rolls, as required by the federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) (Judicial Watch v. Pennsylvania, et al (No. 1:02-at-06000)).


Federal regulations require Pennsylvania to certify to the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC) the number of voter registrations removed from the rolls under the NVRA because the voter has moved out of state. According to data the State certified to the EAC in the most recent two-year reporting period:


Bucks County, with about 457,000 registrations, removed a total of eight names under the relevant NVRA procedures;

Chester County, with about 357,000 registrations, removed five names under those procedures; and

Delaware County, with about 403,000 registrations, removed four names under those procedures.


In recent court filings, Pennsylvania admitted it had certified incorrect data to the EAC. The State alleged unverified, revised figures for Bucks, Chester, and Delaware counties. Those three counties also alleged their own unverified, revised figures, which differed, however, from those provided by the State. The new numbers alleged by the State and its counties are still a small fraction of the voter names likely inactive, according to Judicial Watch’s analysis provided to the court. Judicial Watch contends that, “even if these numbers are accurate, which we do not concede, they would still be removing too few old registrations.”


In its revised filings, the State also conceded that eighteen other Pennsylvania counties—which together contain about one quarter of Pennsylvania’s registered voters—had removed a combined total of fifteen names under the relevant NVRA procedures in the most recent two-year reporting period.


In its continuing efforts to force states and counties across the nation to comply with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), Judicial Watch filed its opposition to Pennsylvania’s move to dismiss Judicial Watch’s lawsuit, which contends that Bucks, Chester, and Delaware counties failed to conduct a reasonable program to remove ineligible registrants from their federal voter rolls as required under the NVRA.


The lawsuit pointed to the abnormally low number of removals under NVRA procedures designed to identify voters who have changed residence. The lawsuit also pointed out that the Commonwealth had over 800,000 “inactive” registrations on its voter rolls.


Judicial Watch compared registration data in the EAC’s report (which was supplied to the EAC by the counties) to publicly available data from the Census Bureau to conclude that Bucks, Chester, and Delaware Counties had total registration rates, respectively, of 96%, 97%, and 97%. Judicial Watch noted that these numbers are high, both within Pennsylvania and compared to the rest of the country, suggesting a failure to remove outdated registrations.


Other Pennsylvania counties have acted to avoid being sued by Judicial Watch. On January 14, 2020, CBS Pittsburgh reported that because of the threat of a lawsuit from Judicial Watch, Allegheny County removed 69,000 inactive voters. David Voye, Elections Manager for the county told CBS, “I would concede that we are behind on culling our rolls,” and that this had “been put on the backburner.”

Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.10888142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8188 >>8209 >>8332 >>8484 >>8645 >>8750

Military leaders: We’re not freaking out over Trump coronavirus news


Military officials downplayed worries Friday after President Donald Trump announced overnight that he had tested positive for coronavirus and will be forced into medical quarantine for an undetermined period of time.


In a statement, the Joint Chiefs of Staff said they have not made any adjustments to force posture or operations as a result of the president’s diagnosis. Trump tweeted just after midnight on Friday that both he and first lady Melania Trump had tested positive and would begin their “recovery process” immediately.


“There’s been no change to our alert levels,” the statement said. “The U.S. military stands ready to defend our country and its citizens. There’s no change to the readiness or capability of our armed forces.”


“There’s been no change to [Defense Department] alert levels,” Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said in a statement. “The U.S. military stands ready to defend our country and interests. There’s no change to the readiness or capability of our armed forces. Our national command and control structure is in no way affected by this announcement.”


Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who is currently on an official visit to Morrocco, last saw Trump on Sunday, at a Gold Star families event also attended by Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Hoffman said.


“In preparation for and as part of his international travel, Secretary Esper tested negative for COVID on Monday and Wednesday of this week,” Hoffman said. “Today he will be tested again as planned for continuation of his travel. He will not be returning to the U.S. early. The chairman was tested this morning and was negative.”


Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett and Chief of Staff Gen. Charles “CQ” Brown, as well as Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond also attended the event for Gold Star families, said Air Force spokeswoman Lt. Col. Malinda Singleton on Friday. All have tested negative for coronavirus twice over the past week, including before the event and as recently as Friday, and have exhibited no COVID symptoms.

Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.10888179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8209 >>8233 >>8252 >>8332 >>8484 >>8645 >>8750

European Anti-Money Laundering Watchdog Starts Inspecting the Vatican


Nearly a year after the Vatican appointed one of Italy’s top anti-mafia prosecutors to tackle alleged financial wrongdoing in the Holy See, the Council of Europe’s anti-money laundering body, Moneyval, arrived in the Vatican to make its own assessment.


“Today the assessment team of the Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Measures against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism initiates its visit to the Vatican,” the Holy See Press Office said Wednesday.


The visit is part of the Fifth Evaluation Round, agreed upon in 2019, to which all the member jurisdictions of Moneyval are subjected, it added.


“The scope of this phase of evaluations is to assess the effectiveness of the legislative and institutional measures adopted by the jurisdictions in recent years,” the statement said.


Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State, welcomed the Moneyval team and reiterated the commitment and engagement of the Holy See and Vatican City State to “combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism,” the Vatican News Agency reported.


Parolin reportedly reminded that unlike in other states whose economies are aimed at creating wealth and prosperity for their respective national communities, the funds managed by the Holy See and the Vatican City “are chiefly directed to works of religions and charity” and that this must be understood, with regard to Moneyval’s evaluation measures.


He added, however, that those funds “must conform to their intended purposes and ethical dimension” and that the Vatican’s own Financial Information Authority, FIA, is responsible for oversight and regulation of its financial sector.


In August last year Pope Francis announced renewed statutes for the governance of the Vatican Bank, bringing in an external auditor for the first time and introducing new ethical guidelines for members of the bank’s staff.


Later the same year the pope said that “financial corruption exists in the Vatican,” admitting that the Holy See is not immune to graft, referring to financial scandals linked with the Vatican Bank and a US$200 million investment in luxury properties in London’s Chelsea neighborhood.


The money, as the Italian magazine L’Espresso reported earlier, was obtained partly from the Peter’s Pence funds – donations that go directly to the pope.


Earlier this year, pope Francis urged Christians to stay close to the Holy Spirit because the worldly spirit leaves them unable to separate good from bad and makes them prone to corruption - something the pontiff described as “worse than sin.”

Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.10888245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8343

The Matraimov Kingdom


How a family of public officials in Kyrgyzstan amassed vast riches — and is now converting them into influence.



At a recent performance on Kyrgyzstan’s independence day, an improvisational poet known as an akyn memorably called out the country’s endemic corruption in front of its president, top officials, and foreign guests.


To the strains of a traditional Kyrgyz lute, the akyn denounced “big ones who stealthily fill their pockets,” “electors who have grabbed the ballot boxes and steal votes,” and the country’s customs service, where “money is taken out in buckets.”


The last allusion would not have been lost on his audience. For years, as revealed in a previous series of investigations, deputy customs chief Raimbek Matraimov enabled — and profited from — a smuggling empire run by a secretive Uighur family.


Matraimov is no longer in the customs service. But over the years, he and his brothers, who still hold important public functions, have amassed vast riches — and converted them into influence.


This new investigative series by OCCRP, Kloop, RFE/RL’s Radio Azattyk, and Bellingcat shows how.


From living an extravagant lifestyle on modest declared salaries, to secretly taking control of private customs facilities and trade routes, to pouring wealth into a crucial election campaign, the Matraimovs embody many of the brave poet’s warnings about the dangers of corruption in the heart of Central Asia.


The Matraimov Kingdom · How to Build a Customs Empire



A Powerful Kyrgyz Clan's Political Play


Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.10888263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8484 >>8645 >>8750

A Swarm Of Nearly 600 Earthquakes Rattles Southern California As Speculation About “The Big One” Starts To Rise Again


Over the last few days, a swarm of almost 600 earthquakes has shaken southern California, and a lot of people are becoming extremely concerned about what will happen next. In fact, if you go on Twitter right now you will find a tremendous amount of speculation that “the Big One” could be coming. The experts are trying to calm the general public by assuring them that it is probably not likely that “the Big One” is imminent, but they don’t know for sure. Forecasting earthquakes is not like forecasting the weather, and experts will continue to tell us that a major event is not likely until the day when one finally happens.


But what everyone can agree upon is that earthquake swarms cause the probability of a major event to rise. Of course that doesn’t mean that there will be a major event associated with this current earthquake swarm, and there may not be a major event if an earthquake swarm occurs next month. But without a doubt what is going on in southern California right now is worth watching.


According to the Los Angeles Times, this current swarm of quakes has been centered “around the town of Westmoreland in Imperial County”…


A swarm of hundreds of small earthquakes struck in and around the town of Westmoreland in Imperial County over the past couple days

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The Southern California Seismic Network recorded nearly 600 earthquakes, the smallest a magnitude 1.1, as of 6 a.m. Thursday, according to a report from the project by Caltech and the U.S. Geological Survey.


Most of the rumbling has been relatively minor, but during a period of less than three hours on Wednesday there were 45 earthquakes of at least magnitude 3.0…


‘In just 2.5hr Westmorland swarm has had 45 quakes of M≥3.0. One of the largest swarms we have had in the Imperial Valley – and it is historically the most active swarms in SoCal,’ seismologist Dr Lucy Jones wrote on Twitter on Wednesday night.


A magnitude 4.9 quake has been the largest event so far, and we shall see what else happens over the next several days.


According to Dr. Lucy Jones, this earthquake swarm has occurred along some small faults “that connect the San Andreas and Imperial faults”…

Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.10888281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8484 >>8645 >>8750

Biden the Preferred Dem on China Trade Policy, Chinese State-Owned Firm Says


A Chinese state-owned securities conglomerate singled out Joe Biden for praise as a "rare candidate" who supports trade policies favorable to the country's Communist government, according to a translated copy of a company research report obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.


The analysis, drafted by Guotai Junan Securities and posted publicly on its website during the U.S. primaries, identified Biden as the best candidate out of the major Democratic contenders on China trade policy. The report provides a glimpse into Beijing's assessment of Biden and other U.S. political leaders, as well as a list of U.S. states that China perceives as battlegrounds for its national policy interests in the 2020 election.


"Former U.S. vice president Biden, who currently ranks first in the Democratic Party’s approval rating, is a rare candidate who opposes the Sino-U.S. trade friction," said the report. "Biden has expressed his opposition to Sino-US trade frictions on multiple public occasions and believes that ‘all the wrong methods' have been used to deal with Sino-U.S. trade."


Biden, the report continued, was one of "only four Democratic candidates [who] believe that Sino-U.S. relations can complement each other for a win-win situation." The other candidates named were Andrew Yang, Seth Moulton, and Wayne Messam—all long-shot contenders who never hit above single digits in national polling.


The company's analysis adds fuel to the notion that Biden is China's preferred candidate. In August, U.S. intelligence officials issued an assessment saying that China was attempting to interfere in the 2020 election to damage President Trump's chances and "shape the policy environment in the United States."


Since 2018, Trump has ramped up tariffs on Chinese imports in an effort to reduce the trade deficit and combat what he views as China's unfair trade practices, intellectual property theft, and national security encroachment.


Guotai Junan is one of China’s largest state-owned security brokerages. The company said it based its analysis on the candidates' "attitudes toward China" and "policies toward China during the Democratic primary election debates and election campaigns." Guotai Junan did not respond to a request for comment.


The report identified five senators, Marco Rubio (R., Fla.), Mike Braun (R., Ind.), Johnny Isakson (R., Ga.), David Perdue (R., Ga.), and Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), as problematic for China on trade issues.

Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.10888328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8484 >>8645 >>8750

More Azerbaijani Warplanes Allegedly Shot Down Over Nagorno-Karabakh


The Ministry of Defense of Armenia claimed on October 2 that its air-defense units had shot down more Azerbaijani warplanes over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.


According to the ministry, an Azerbaijani fighter jet and a drone were shot down over the northeastern part of Nagorno-Karabakh in the morning. During the noon, a second fighter jet was downed in the southeastern part of the region. Two drones were also shot down over the region’s northern part.


The Armenian MoD didn’t back its claims with any solid evidence. However, Shushan Stepanyan, Press Secretary of the ministry, shared a video allegedly showing the downing of an Azerbaijan helicopter a day earlier.


The Armenian MoD claims that its air-defense units have downed six fighter jets, ten helicopters and 110 drones over Nagorno-Karabakh, thus far.


Azerbaijan continues to deny losing any warplane over Nagorno-Karabakh. The country’s aerial assets, whether fighter jets or drones, are still highly-active over the region, despite the threat posed by Armenian air-defense units.


Armenian Forces Sustained Heavy Losses In New Wave Of Azerbaijani Drone Strikes (Videos)


Azerbaijani combat drones continue to inflict serious losses on Armenian forces in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.


On October 2, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan released a number of videos showing a new wave of drone strikes on Armenian forces in different parts of Nagorno-Karabakh. The strikes hit the following targets:


5 gatherings of Armenian troops;

3 forward positions and shelters;

1 mortar position;

4 T-72s battle tanks;

3 MT-LB armored vehicles;

1 BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle;

4 military trucks.


Armenian air-defense units are still active in Nagorno-Karabakh. However, they are yet to deal with TB2 drones. Most of the air-defense systems deployed in the region, like the 9K33 Osa, have a very limited rang. A number of these systems have been already destroyed by TB2 drones.

Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.10888364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8484 >>8645 >>8750

House Democrats Remove Funding for Police in Latest $2.2 Trillion Package — But Bill Will Bail-Out Poorly Run Democrat States


This week the House Democrats passed the $2.2 TRILLION Pelosi “Heroes Act.”


This monstrosity will bailout all of the poorly run Democrat states.

But it will not fund the police during a time of Democrat rioting, looting and mass violence.


Democrat mobs have cost more than $1 billion in damages in the past four months and probably more.


Thousands of businesses have been destroyed in riots, thousands more by Democrat politicians during the lockdowns.


But Pelosi took out all funding for police in her legislation.

What a sick, angry woman.


Western Journal reported:


As anti-police rioters call for defunding the police, House Democrats are no longer interested in putting money for police programs in the latest coronavirus relief bill.


The most recent version of the $2.2 trillion HEROES Act does not include $600 million for police programs that were in earlier versions of the mammoth legislation, according to Fox News.


Those earlier versions included $300 million for Community Oriented Police Services Programs, whose funds go toward hiring additional officers, and $300 million for Byrne Justice Assistance Grants, which allow local departments buy personal protective equipment.

Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.10888386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8391 >>8392 >>8484 >>8645 >>8750

Sen. Murphy: Trump Surrogate Putin Will Be Campaigning for Him While He’s Quarantined


Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) said on Friday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom” that Russian President Vladimir Putin is one of the “surrogates” of President Donald Trump’s campaign.


Anchor Jim Sciutto asked, “I want to talk about Russia because yesterday we’re days away from the U.S. election. You tweeted this public comment, and you were briefed on the intelligence here, that there is evidence of a giant, according to you, a multi-year effort to help Trump in 2020 by Russia. What can you tell us about that?”


Murphy said, “Well, what I can tell you is that it’s much bigger and bolder and smarter than it was in 2016. The Russians have learned, and they are now trying to use U.S. persons and fake websites in order to proffer a narrative that helps President Trump’s re-election.”


He continued, “I also think that you have to be much more serious about the Russian threat given today’s news. If President Trump can’t be out there on the campaign trail for the next two weeks, then he is going to rely on his surrogates, and, unfortunately, one of his surrogates is Vladimir Putin. So you are likely going to see this campaign ramped up by Russia over the next few weeks to try to substitute for the President’s absence on the campaign trail.”


He added, “My worry is that the intel agencies are not being clear with the American people about the size of the Russian operation and their clear desire to try to elect President Trump to a second term.”

Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.10888390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8419 >>8433 >>8603 >>8618 >>8655

US House Adopts Resolution to Condemn QAnon, Reject Group's Conspiracy Theories


The resolution also encourages the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to focus on preventing violence, harassment and other criminal activity motivated by the group.


The US House of Representatives on Friday overwhelmingly passed a resolution to condemn the right-wing QAnon group and to reject the conspiracy theories it promotes. The House of Representatives passed the resolution in a 371-18 vote.


QAnon is often portrayed as a shadowy collection of individuals who claim President Donald Trump is secretly battling a network of pedophiles in the Democratic Party and establishment.


Lawmakers have said that in recent years, QAnon has expanded into a movement embracing multiple conspiracy theories aimed at influencing elections by undermining public trust in US institutions.


The FBI has warned that the group’s online presence encourages extremists to commit violent criminal acts, according to lawmakers.

Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.10888407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8645 >>8750

Trump Campaign Cancels Rallies by President and First Family Members; Will Be Replaced With Virtual Events; Pence to Still Campaign


The Trump campaign issued a statement Friday afternoon announcing the cancellation of scheduled rallies by President Trump and members of the First Family, saying the rallies will be replaced by virtual events. Trump and First Lady Melania tested positive for the COVID-19 China coronavirus late Thursday night. Vice President Mike Pence, who tested negative for the virus on Friday, will resume his campaign schedule according to the campaign however no events are currently listed for Pence. The vice presidential debate scheduled for Wednesday, October 7 in Salt Lake City, Utah is still on, according to host University of Utah.


Campaign statement:


“All previously announced campaign events involving the President’s participation are in the process of being moved to virtual events or are being temporarily postponed. In addition, previously announced events involving members of the First Family are also being temporarily postponed. All other campaign events will be considered on a case-by-case basis and we will make any relevant announcements in the days ahead. Vice President Mike Pence, who has tested negative for COVID-19, plans on resuming his scheduled campaign events. Any further information about the President will come from the White House.”


– Bill Stepien, Trump 2020 campaign manager


President Trump had rallies scheduled for Sanford, Florida Friday night, Janesville and Green Bay, Wisconsin on Saturday, and Tucson and Flagstaff, Arizona on Monday and Tuesday, respectively.


Donald Trump, Jr. was scheduled for a weekend swing through Florida with stops in Kissimmee and Coconut Creek on Saturday and Gainesville on Monday with a stop in Kennesaw, Georgia late Monday afternoon.


The campaign event site now carries this message, ” These events are in the process of being turned into virtual seminars and a Trump Victory Organizer will contact attendees with more details”

Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 11:58 a.m. No.10888537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8645 >>8750

Literally Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Have Come Out Against Fauci’s Lockdowns Including a Nobel Prize-Winning Biophysicist. The Media Just Doesn’t Want You to Know


As RedState’s very own Sister Toldjah reported earlier today, the doubts President Trump recently expressed about the wisdom of Dr. Fauci’s advice on COVID-19 have elicited a chorus of smug accusation from the usual suspects that he’s “ignoring the experts.”


Sister Toldjah pointed out that it’s hard to know what their complaint even means given how often Fauci and other media-anointed authorities have done total 180s.


But, even putting aside how their advice seems to change with the political winds, the idea that there’s some scientific consensus in favor of the extreme measures inflicted on us in response to COVID-19 couldn’t be further from the truth.


Though you don’t hear their perspectives on CNN, countless scientists and doctors have tried to warn us not only that COVID-19 isn’t nearly as deadly as we’ve been led to believe; they’re also confident that the real threat to public health we’re facing is from the lockdowns.


For example, though the establishment media has somehow failed to make it widely known, in May, over 600 physicians from “all specialties and from all states” signed a public letter to President Trump describing, not COVID-19, but the lockdowns as a “mass casualty incident.” Since the letter first appeared, the number of doctors signing on has grown into the thousands. Their letter warns:


It is impossible to overstate the short, medium, and long-term harm to people’s health with a continued shutdown. Losing a job is one of life’s most stressful events, and the effect on a persons health is not lessened because it also has happened to 30 million other people. Keeping schools and universities closed is incalculably detrimental for children, teenagers, and young adults for decades to come. The millions of casualties of a continued shutdown will be hiding in plain sight, but they will be called alcoholism, homelessness, suicide, heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. In youths it will be called financial instability, unemployment, despair, drug addiction, unplanned pregnancies, poverty, and abuse.


600 physicians sent a letter to @realdonaldtrump saying a continued shutdown can lead to a "mass casualty incident" with "negative health consequences." It is time to reopen the nation. @gracemarietweet



Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.10888569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8631 >>8645 >>8693 >>8750 >>8814

China claims Donald Trump has 'paid the price' for his COVID-19 'gamble' after the President and Melania both tested positive


The editor of an influential Chinese state-run newspaper has mocked Donald Trump after the US President and first lady Melania Trump both tested positive for the coronavirus.


Hu Xijin, the editor-in-chief of the Global Times, a major Chinese tabloid and mouthpiece of the Communist Party, said that President Trump and his wife 'have paid the price for his gamble to play down the COVID-19'.


He claimed that the diagnosis revealed the severity of the coronavirus outbreak in the US and would sabotage Trump's upcoming re-election.


Hu's mocking comment comes after the US leader confirmed the news on Thursday evening, tweeting: 'Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!'


It comes as the president's top aide Hope Hicks also contracted the virus after traveling with Trump on Air Force One and Marine One multiple times over the last week.


The Chinese senior journalist reacted to the news with jeers, claiming that President Trump and the first lady are paying for the price for downplaying the coronavirus pandemic.


He wrote in a tweet this morning: 'President Trump and the first lady have paid the price for his gamble to play down the COVID-19.

'The news shows the severity of the US' pandemic situation. It will impose a negative impact on the image of Trump and the US, and may also negatively affect his reelection,' Hu said.

Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.10888588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8645 >>8750

Ransomware: Gangs are shifting targets and upping their ransom demands


Gangs are also getting smarter, factoring in companies' revenues when setting the ransom they try to collect.


Ransomware attacks continue to grow, according to data from IBM, which also suggests that ransomware gangs are upping their ransomware demands and getting more sophisticated about how they calculate the ransom they try to extort.


The number of ransomware attacks IBM's Security X-Force Incident Response team were called in to deal with tripled in the second quarter of this year compared to the previous quarter, and accounted for a third of all security incidents it responded to between April and June 2020. "Ransomware incidents appeared to explode in June 2020," said a report by the company's security analysts.

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June alone saw one-third of all the ransomware attacks the IBM team has remediated so far this year. The report said ransom demands are increasing rapidly, with some reaching as high as $40 million. It revealed that Sodinokibi ransomware attacks account for one in three ransomware incidents IBM Security X-Force has responded to so far in 2020.


SEE: Security Awareness and Training policy (TechRepublic Premium)


IBM said it has observed a general shift in ransomware attacks. Ransomware hits manufacturing companies hardest, it said, and that these account for nearly a quarter of all the incidents responded to this year, followed by the professional services sector and then government.


"Attacks on these three industries suggest that ransomware threat actors are seeking out victims with a low tolerance for downtime, such as manufacturing networks. Organizations that require high uptime can lose millions of dollars each day due to a halt in operations. Therefore, they may be more likely to pay a ransom to regain access to data and resume operations," IBM said.


IBM said there is also a shift to blended extortion-and-ransomware attacks – where gangs steal a copy of sensitive company information before encrypting it. If victims look like they won't pay up for the decryption key, the attackers will increase the pressure by threatening to release the stolen data too.


With attackers actually stealing company data, ransomware attacks are also becoming data breaches, which for some companies, depending on where they are, can bring additional risk of fines from regulators. Indeed, in some cases IBM said attackers were thought to name their ransom according to the regulatory fines organizations would have to pay.


The ransomware strain IBM Security X-Force has seen most frequently in 2020 is Sodinokibi. IBM calculates that Sodinokibi has claimed at least 140 victim organizations since its emergence in April 2019. It estimates more than one in three Sodinokibi victims have paid the ransom, and 12% of victims have had their sensitive data sold in an auction on the dark web. In these auctions, prices for data range from $5,000 to over $20 million.

Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.10888607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8645 >>8750

Anti-Lockdown Protests EXPLODE GLOBALLY! – Massive Freedom Movement Could Destabilize Global Agenda!


Josh Sigurdson reports on the countless anti-lockdown protests around the world getting very little news coverage despite bringing hundreds of thousands of people to the streets. From clashes in Spain to clashes in London. To massive movements in Berlin to massive movements in Toronto, Vancouver and Winnipeg Canada. There’s clearly a shift happening towards the pro-freedom movement despite the dire, quickly approaching brick wall that governments globally have launched humanity towards. As millions face homelessness in the United States alone, with millions of businesses going under while giant monopolies are propped up by the state, people are angry and it’s about time the majority of reporters out there understand why. It’s time free humanity is taken seriously after 9 months of tragedy.

Anonymous ID: fe8e7a Oct. 2, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.10888657   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Western Media and Elites Supported the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War - the Ugly Truth Emerges


"There is no farce more saddening than the history being written for pay in American universities."


"The American financial community demanded a centralized, materialist and Jewish Russia and this they received."


The White armies in the Russian Civil War received not a cent from the west. Not a shell, not a rifle reached any faction of the White forces from the west. The west was not anti-Bolshevik. Furthermore, the western powers actively supported the Red forces during and after the Civil War.


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While the western financial and technical support for the building of socialism has been treated in another paper, it begins with the subject of this one: the western backing of the Red forces consistently from 1918-1921.


The sole and exclusive reason for western intervention is to ensure that no aid would ever be given to Germany from Russia and that assets owned by western powers not fall into the hands of Germany.


The Elites in Favor of the Reds


Famously, Colonel Edward House, the main adviser to Woodrow Wilson, wrote:


That day Colonel House asked me to call upon him. I found him worried both by my criticism of any recognition of the Bolshevists and by the certainty, which he had not previously realized, that if the President were to recognize the Bolshevists in return for commercial concessions his whole “idealism” would be hopelessly compromised as commercialism in disguise.


I pointed out to him that not only would Wilson be utterly discredited but that the League of Nations would go by the board, because all the small peoples and many of the big peoples of Europe would be unable to resist the Bolshevism which Wilson would have accredited (Quoted from Bolton, 2010).


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General William Graves was a firm backer of the Red cause. In an excellent article on the subject, Kerry Bolton states that Graves and many others actively sought to destroy the White movement. He refused to deliver 14,000 rifles ordered and paid for by Kolchak. Another 15,000 rifles were blocked from the White Cossack forces by this same General. Most of all, Graves, in full communication with the economic elite in the US, had the Japanese stand down from their attacks on Red forces in the east.


In November of 1918, the Allies signed an agreement with the Reds for full support in exchange for financial concessions. While the Allies initially sought only Russia’s continual action in the war, their attention soon wandered. Once the Treaty of Brest-Litivosk was signed, the west permitted the Reds to re-organized old Russian debts, open Russia to world grain markets and, as the treaty stipulated, hand over the more industrialized parts of Russia’s west.


Kolchak countered by also accepting old debts, initiating a Constituent Assembly and guaranteed the independence of Poland. It was rejected. That Denikin refused to sell off Russia in exchange for aid sealed his defeat (Foglesong, 2011).1

