My spouse woke me this morning with ..”Mexico paying for the wall ! Mexico is paying for the wall ! Lol I waited for the punchline whyll giving him a dirty look for waking me ….I’m still surprised in a sense because I always figured well of course thru trade but not quite like this !
Exactly anon BOOM!
I see the Nk and Sk as other boom ..but maybe I’m wrong
Agree ! Sry anons maybe I spoke too soon still looking for where husband got his info …(sauce)
East coast lunchtime west coast just woke up ? Lolll just a guess
Ty anon for finding the sauce !
I keep coming up with 12:07 for some reason on the recent stuff ..but no idea why
That gal looks strangely sickly ..maybe it’s the pic but those arms are anorexic bones
Grrrr that bs needs to stop ! I say 18 for everything …if the “parent is responsibl for the “child” tell their 18 then don’t give them rights tell they r 18…this mix message to our youth pisses me off ! Sry rant over bk to my corner..
gj anon in response to other anon
Not arguing per say but how do you tell a 18 yr old you can fight for your country but no beer and no voting ?? I’m sry but I REALLY find that messed up
Of course because what that 16 yr old does whyll drinking or being stoned they are stuck with the responsibility of their behavior ..get it ?
Set up to backfire …BIGLY
Agree agree and ty! That’s what I said in the first place of this convo 18 they r then responsibly for themselves and NOT until then !….disclosure (Mom and stepmom of 8 ages from 12-32 and been a MOM for over 25 yrs ..I KNOW what I’m talking about
Ain’t their a way without giving them (the youth) ideas ..seriously I’ve spoke with my kids about these dumb challenges and the tide pods but some are too young for the “condom” talk
I think stumbling upon something on twitter did it for spouse and I ..not sure about how other anons got here