If you are a Russian Reporter - better stay on the 1st floor!
You will have seen the weekly steel training, might have noticed the 100 yd cleared field of fire, maybe a few other things. Come on over!
Please! Please! Open the fucking Ball!
You don't have a clue of how EAGER we are. Your only advantage is the current Law. You hide because you are afraid. If the laws were suspended for 24 hours - 90% of you would be worm food the next day.
Interesting factoid about Clinton
The whole event is very suspicious. "Blood everywhere" was quoted in a lot of stories, yet there is no blood in the interior or on the sides of the plane. If a person was sucked half way out of the plane as has been claimed - bleeding profusely, wouldn't there be streaks on the side of the plane?
Yes! Fake News brought to you by Anon!
Is it possible the explosion did not do enough damage, so SOMEONE or something broke the window from the inside, trying to cause a massive breach?
Exactly why I did it. Might as well fuck with them.
The jaws of justice are closing - Everyone is talking.