Anonymous ID: 41b5f6 Oct. 2, 2020, 9:09 p.m. No.10896770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6787 >>6889 >>7102 >>7173

My 25 year old got really sick in early Jan. 2020. Super healthy. Super athletic. He said it was the worst upper respiratory infection he has ever had. He was really sick for two weeks. Horrible cough that left him crawling on the floor. He powered through with ibuprofen and massive vitamin C. Again, this was before COVID was announced. In Feb he started having heart issues. He went to cardiologist and he now has A fib and is on heart medication. He is 25! Both of my other sons also got it COVID really bad. They are 32 and 18, also in great athletic shape. My 18 year old is in Boot Camp and after 1 full month of total silence, I got the call TODAY that he has recovered. They are fine now but damn! They just shake their heads and tell us parents to stay the fuck healthy. You do NOT want this.

Take care anons. Peace out.

Anonymous ID: 41b5f6 Oct. 2, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.10897028   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No. He doesn’t smoke either. None of them do. In college, Oh, Lordy! They had a brownstone across from campus and it was the Unofficial Lax house. Animal house always comes to mind! Open door policy 24/7. That was sophomore year. Junior year they had a house and they had a fire! My kid was on the lacrosse field and several fire engines went by while they were playing. I turned to his room mates mom and said sucks for someone. Little did I know it was their house! Some dumb shit was playing with fir and set a piece of cardboard on fire and then tossed it out the back door. It caught a couch on fire. (As you know every fucking college house has to have at least three couches on the back patio.) couch went up melted the electric meter caught part of the eaves on fire, melted the windows and almost caused the oil tank right around the damn corner of the house! Holy shit!