Yes, was noted here immediately afterwards
Remdesivir? WTF? So he's taking AIDS killer Fauci's ineffective drug instead of HCQ + zinc? This sounds like complete bullshit fuckery. I think they are now trying to kill him. What else could be going on here? Unless the fake placebo remdesivir cure might be the magic trick to get the brainwashed normie cattle to accept that there is a cure and to not have to walk around with a dehumanizing face diaper since their god Fauci says it works and POTUS will be "healed"
What I'm saying is, is this the game plan to get the normies to snap out of it?
He does have the double that he was using to fuck with the media at the golf course all the time early on. Also, did anyone catch the strange inflection in his voice when he spoke of the first lady in his twat video from earlier today?
Anon, I know that the covid bullshit is not very deadly and the positive tests are also bullshit. We are watching a movie, but this placebo effect could be the thing that gets things back to normal. There are other big things going on behind the scenes that we are well aware of. This is also an excuse for Trump to be kept safe while the shit goes down. Fauci is a killer though we know that from when he killed all those people with AZT that "tested positive" for HIV. He also kept HCQ from the public and allowed many others to die when covid pushed them over the edge along with their multiple comorbidities
He sounds fine, not sounding like sore throat. Listen when he says the first lady is doing very well at the 10 second mark in this video