The Holy Spirit told Etienne Graves that BLM is run by a coven of witches.
This has now been confirmed by anon research.
Alicia Garza and Patrisse Cullors are witches and they profess pouring out libations to andย resurrecting anscestors to work through them.
["Pour one out for our homie."]
Coincidence that all 16 chapters of BLM are run by women?
Acts 16:16 talks about a spirit of divination, and that is exactly what God is going to address in BLM.
"One day, as we were going to the house of prayer, we encountered a young slave girl who had an evil spirit of divination, the spirit of Python."
The death of RBG is a prophetic sign.
When people chant the BLM slogans [say her name] they are knowingly or unknowingly lending their sacred birthright Power and Authority to the casting of spells.
Patrisse Cullors tweeted out "Happy Winter Solstice, Witches" on 21 Dec 2018.
RBG died on Rosh Hashanah, not a coincidence.
RBG was a gatekeeper for the Kingdom of Darkness.
The Holy Spirit gave Etienne Graves a vision of RBG in the dark of night lighting candles and casting spells over America, then going to work by day to anchor in those spells.
Deuteronomy 18:10 actually applies to Planned Parenthood, because PP uses abortions as technical devices [ritual sacrifice] in the spiritual technology of ushering negatively-polarized gods and goddesses into our world.
"There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire."
Q has posted the Ephesians 6:10-18 Armor of God verses more than any other verse or quotation.
Principality means those who are first in rank in the military organizations of the Kingdom of Darkness.
Rulers of Darkness refers to world rulers who rule behind the scenes and in secret.
Spiritual wickedness in high places refers to a spiritual technology that involves placing a technical device called an altar [portal] in a high [elevation] location for the purpose of strengthening or changing the territorial spirits over a region.
A ritual sacrifice always opens a portal for an interdimensional entity to enter this world.
It is either going to be a portal for holy spirits or for fallen spirits, depending on the gatekeeper.
This is why it is so important for believers to repent on behalf of their land and anscestors, because repentance and declarations of spiritual sovereignty can break unknown but extant contracts [including portal ownership] over the land and people that may have been put in place at an altar before we were even born.
Whoever controls the high places controls which polarity of interdimensional entities is allowed entrance.
Portals start in the third heaven, come down through the second heaven [outer space], through the first heaven [atmosphere/sky], and into the Earth.
Negatively-polarized interdimensionals [demons] desire sin in the land and the precise application of spiritual technology [ritual sacrifice] by minion/decieved men so that they may hijack portals, thereby hindering the ingress of positively-polarized interdimensionals [angels].
Many preachers are operating under/victims of witchcraft and are getting messages from the second heaven and prophecying them as if they were messages from the third heaven.
Portals were always meant for the traffick of holy angels bringing God's glory through, but Daniel 10 shows what happens when a portal is hijacked: the Prince of Persia [high-ranking negatively polarized interdimensional] denied Gabriel portal passage to the point that Michael was deployed to execute counter-terror operations.
"My family have just prayed for Mr. president and his family, begging Lord to heal Mr. president and his family, and beg God to give Mr. president and his family strength. May God always be with him and his family."
Witches giving thanks after hearing POTUS has Covid-19.
[They think their spells worked.]