So… Isn't condemning Q/us the same as when they condemned us as Deplorables?
Just with a lil' more pomp and circumstance, this time.
So… Isn't condemning Q/us the same as when they condemned us as Deplorables?
Just with a lil' more pomp and circumstance, this time.
Saul of Tarsus, AKA Paul The False Apostle, is your Patron Saint.
So sayeth The LORD your Frog.
And it was dank.
Slavery didn't end in the south because of the war.
Bacon was just more profitable than cotton.
And lord knows you don't need as many people for pigs as you do cotton.
Shouldn't that sign say Boca Jerusalem?
Didn't we offer them Arizona and they turned it down?
Because it's their natural habitat.
Do you keep a tarantula in a fish tank filled with sand or water?
Can we put the Mosques and the Cathedrals right next to 'em, while we're at it?
It's not that they can't…
They just prefer using your money to do it.
Nothing personal… just business.