Teachers should be forbidden to “teach” to our children in high school, their personal prejudices to kids, PERIOD!
This is where we are losing the country
In our household we have a BIG problem!
The Mrs. and me are conservative in politics, not religious at all, but we were brought up Catholic and the kids were forced to go to church up to 11th grade. We did the exact same thing with our kids. So around the house, we occasionally talk politics. Try to make a conscious effort not to talk in front of children, doesn’t work all the time.
So how does my child get to senior year and decides he’s a liberal? Spouting left wing propaganda as he “argues” politics with us now. I’ll tell ya how, his fucking H.S. Teachers! That’s how!
The other day I had to stay home from work, son was “in class” on the computer. His teacher is fucking nuts, spewing BLM bullshit and gender equality blah, blah, blah, and so on! I’m done with this! I’ve spent 18 yrs raising him and a pot-head teacher is gonna guck it up and turn out another socialist for their cause! Fuck No!