What do people blame Israel for?
I see posts but do not understand how Israel is connected.
What do people blame Israel for?
I see posts but do not understand how Israel is connected.
Manipulated religious war as they want. who really loses…
This is a very important post!
This is an a cruel psychological experiment/test of mind control from AI Hive mind Alien technology.
You can check out the history on Mass Shootings and you will see that there is a repeated claim of "God spoke to me".
Check the names of the shooters in news articles on Google and add the term God spoke to me, I heard voices, Voices in the head, Voices told me.
And you will see that there is a connection that cannot be explained statistically.
This is not a coincidence!!!
Is this your God?!
Remote viewing was the CIA attempt to understand how extraterrestrial communication and mind control works!
So mark the family! not a whole religion and certainly not a state.
It's more than that. Something to do with a fake god …
What is the source of all religions the CIA knows.
Why don't they tell the public the truth?