Anonymous ID: 1c62e9 Oct. 3, 2020, 7:42 a.m. No.10900937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is a very important post!


This is an a cruel psychological experiment/test of mind control from AI Hive mind Alien technology.

You can check out the history on Mass Shootings and you will see that there is a repeated claim of "God spoke to me".

Check the names of the shooters in news articles on Google and add the term God spoke to me, I heard voices, Voices in the head, Voices told me.

And you will see that there is a connection that cannot be explained statistically.


This is not a coincidence!!!…/Mass_shootings_in_the_United……/List_of_rampage_killers_in…


Is this your God?!


Remote viewing was the CIA attempt to understand how extraterrestrial communication and mind control works!