Infecting POTUS was what Nasty Nancy meant by arrows in her quiver. When you think about POTUS holding up those three swabs…….
So, if Biden had a disbursal unit………all this time in the "basement", and POTUS saying he was "shot"??? Was Biden put through a milder form of the Chy-na virus to inoculate him, so he could be the delivery system at the debate?
Or, they knew the op was launched to infect POTUS, but just didn't know how or when it would happen.
OR, the infection op was at BOTH places, at the Saturday meeting AND at the debate since they didn't know which would take.
Then the Papacy he serves needs to stop working with Rothschild's Chy-na agenda, that Benedict approved BEFORE Bergoglio became the next hypocrite. Just saying.