They'll arrest your ass and frame you if you report on one of their clowns. George Webb figured that out when they tried to frame him for some whistleblower action.
And George's partner "Task Force" got beat severely for her efforts at whistleblowing. Don't you think with all the police force and intel at their disposal that they can figure it out without you making a phone call? And if not, why not?
Just saying. No sense to put your life at risk unnecessarily.
They make stupid frame-ups and they stick since they have the [corrupt ] power and the newspapers in their pocket!
They are still trying to frame the President of the United States!
Someday perhaps we can make a list of all the whistle-blowers they have framed? And give proper respect to their courage and faith.
Really, that's all they are good for, framing people for what they do? If they are trying to frame the President and "Q" do you really think you are safe to call something in [Unless pointed to at a certain moment such as "Operators on stand-by" kind of statement?]?
Can we get the 40K high view of who we are dealing with and how extensive is their network?