A reminder of “their” plan, already playing out for decades. This is what the good guys are up against.
Transfer American investment capital and productive capacity to China from 1989 onwards. Starve Main Street US businesses of access to capital. Shower largesse on businesses [DARPA/C_A spinouts] intended to play a part in the planned reengineering of the American social and economic landscape - Goog, FB, AMZ
Run an ever increasing trade imbalance with China for 30 years, resulting in a further net transfer of wealth from US -China and strain on US public finances. Play innumerable games with currency manipulation to sustain the transfer of economic life from the US to the ever expanding Chinasphere
Burden US with unsustainable annual deficits by embarking on foreign wars everywhere, ineffective but expensive social programs, unrestrained immigration, and “international development,” ramping up the US national debt
Add additional costs to American industry and consumer through galloping regulation and blocking development of domestic energy sources
Continually leak intellectual property to China and support exploitation, so that the US cannot achieve sustainable and defensible competitive advantage
Sell US assets, power, and influence to Chinese interests to get their [in truth, OUR] money to keep the US afloat
Absorb an ever increasing number of Chinese students into US Universities. Embed in US intellectual and business life to constitute a new technocratic elite
So much more could be added to portray this dastardly plot. It needed enemies with and enemies without. It needed many prepared to sell their birthright for a mess of pottage.
But the endgame was clear, before POTUS came into politics: economic and social collapse -China takes political control dressed up as UN mission “to save America from its own irresponsibility and wanton profligacy.”
The program was long in both making and execution, and demonically brilliant in its wickedness.
This is a Bankster plan, because it’s fundamentally a plan of economic and social warfare, which they’ve engaged in many times before. The CCP are/were willing participants and beneficiaries, not instigators. But they do possess the age old Chinese supremacism complex and are no doubt predisposed to see themselves as the natural masters of the earth. They’ve been equipped (by outside assistance) to build the most formidable security state in history, which this plan intends for ubiquitous imposition.
There is only one fitting response:
We are Americans, and we never back down. We never give in, and we never give up, and we will never yield our nation to enemies. We love our nation. We will only fight to win.
And we will win. God wills it.