I read years ago that what you saw of her is absolutely NOT who she is. That in fact, it was a persona. Knowing POTUS and after watching him all of these years, I believe it.
I am SHOCKED at the attempt to mislead anons!
Dunno why the bakery would allow WR/abcu to run the show. Just damn.
>The Paris Hilton video matters and here's why:
>(1) The Deep State/Cabal is a multigenerational problem.
>(2) They use children to maintain control and perpetuate their power
>(3) If she was telling this story at 14 we would all care
>(4) You don't get to choose your family.
>(5) It doesn't matter when people come forward, abuse is abuse
>(6) Maybe she's lying for publicity. Maybe not. But it doesn't hurt to LISTEN to her.
>(7) Free Speech.
It obviously matters. I mean that. CEE doesnt think it does. Could be a woman jealousy thing perhaps.
>They've been running the show since march.
Unreal. Maybe thats why the openly say they are afraid to offend babyfist.
>What part of combo bake with original baker do you faggits not understand?
I dont CEE a need to have a WR/abcu actor baking at all, but thats just me. Hell leaf may as well bake.
This isnt notable. It is a BOARD issue, but not a notable imo.
Thank you
You are right, never mind think for yourself. Instead let your crayon flavored spew do the thinking for everyone!
>"Tracking Events so You Don't Have To!"
Yep, YOU shouldnt think. TRUST THEM to do it for you!
The same NB who demands a board she does not control to be removed?
She is a real piece of work