Anonymous ID: 1c1647 Oct. 3, 2020, 2:55 p.m. No.10906441   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just an Anon’s insight on some unknown issues with the mask and testing.


The area they swab to check for covid is also a key energetic synapse point for our life force. Also known as the prana, kundalini, chi, etc. How one regulates the breath stimulates this area in different ways, such as alternate nostril breathing. During meditation we maintain control of our breathing for a desired result. One result is connecting to God. The more mindful we are of our breathing the better we can connect to God. By putting a mask on, it severely limits our ability to control the breath and thus connect to God. This area should not be disturbed with foreign instruments, let alone swabbed with some unknown contaminants. Do you think poking a stick into a nuclear reactor core to get a sample is a good idea? The dark forces know this, and you should as well. Many ancient civilizations write about breath control and how to connect to the higher Self through this process. The ha at the end of aloha signifies the breath in the Hawaiian culture. Western medicine discounts this, but the public is waking up. The biggest factor in health is the mind, proven by the placebo effect. Controlling the breath helps control the mind. By submitting to wearing the mask, you have surrendered the control of your breath, thus your ability to connect to God, the greatest healer, and greatest advisor. Why do you think people are acting the way they are right now? Their connection to God has been limited and when you loose that connection you loose your ability to be at peace. In order to have life you need air first and foremost. To say that limiting one’s air is going to help the ability to fight off dis ease is a farce. The mask is a violation of our first amendment right, freedom of religion. It also violates the intention of our Constitution.We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.There is no life without air, and for our government to limit that is wrong on every level of what this country was founded on, and the laws made to protect it. Go out, BREATHE and Connect to our Creator!