potus vid- decode/ me thinks he is giving a run down of his term and progress against the cabal. this could be a WW marker for other leaders, and the cabal (who gave potus the most severe direct threat they ever have- 187?)
02:05 start
–world leaders knowing what we are going through and as you leader what i have to go through (all assets deployed against potus and america re. china, cartels, antifa, etc.)
–they gave him a choice early (upon being elected) stay in WH, lock yourself in, don't ever leave, don't see people, don't talk to people (stand down and let us run country, do not talk to foreign leaders or MAGA)
–I couldn't do it (stand down against Global cabal) I had to be out front, this is america the U.S. greatest country (not going to allow a dark cabal run it) i couldn't just be locked in a room upstairs totally safe and say ok whatever happens happens (being a a figure head offered $ and comfort to let cabal do whatever they want to destroy america, start wars, etc.) We have to confront problems as a leader theres never been a great leader who would have done that (i am a great leader and confronted the cabal when all the advisors said it was a death wish, the cabal is too powerful to confront)
–So that where it is (I am finishing what i started and not backing down amid tremendous threats Melania 187? and cabal fail safes and kill switches. They gave me a nuke option and I still am following through with the Plan)
–Melania is handling it well ( it may have been a 187 attempt or threat on her (exposure- parents, iblings?) or both of them and she knows and wants me to follow through with the PLAN)