Don't worry, if it's real Sarin, he'll be dead soon. Did he say what it smelled like? It has a distinct smell.
I'm wondering who was on the plane now. Forget which window. Turbine blades are inspected before every flight. Sounds fishy.
Bolton, wouldn't last 60 secs with "Mad Dog," Bolton would get knife handed quick.
These are the same people who said Hillary would win
Okay, where have you been stationed, what is/was your rank? What group did you/ are you working for? What was your primary job?
Not going to cut it. Info needed, if you aren't willing to say Anon, then you can be disregarded as untrustworthy. I am former CI Army.
He can dox me, I don't scare. If Taliban couldn't kill me, then he can't either.
so, just like back in Iraq under every bunk?
Actually it doesn't. I joined for Patriotism and loyalty to my country, not to the government.