re: #1351 BAKER
>>1087761 Scalia Research >>1087772 >>1087781
is a mistake by last baker CLOWN INFLUENCED
is not notewrthy this is Shill TagTeam bullshit slime slander from the clowns
please remove it
▶Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/16/18 (Mon) 08:25:24 ID: 057416 No.1064908>>1064923 >>1064924 >>1064925 >>1064926 >>1064933 >>1064935 >>1064938 >>1064940 >>1064942 >>1064943 >>1064946 >>1064950 >>1064952 >>1064955 >>1064958 >>1064959 >>1064964 >>1064965 >>1064967 >>1064970 >>1064977 >>1064978 >>1064988 >>1064997 >>1065012 >>1065014 >>1065025 >>1065034 >>1065036 >>1065044 >>1065048 >>1065058 >>1065081 >>1065091 >>1065100 >>1065104 >>1065109 >>1065112 >>1065115 >>1065120 >>1065139 >>1065141 >>1065152 >>1065164 >>1065167 >>1065172
In QTell - "Wikileaks OUTs Brenner" - future proves past
BAKER - nteable "Erik Kaufmann InQtel"
FjckYou alleged baker I am nt a clwn – everyone knws Scalia is a prime target of the Shadw Gvt the Shills and the Clwns. SAUCE has zippo t do with SCALIA
leaving it in is STUPID.
WATCH the baker, anons~
(old bread)
Anonymous 04/18/18 (Wed) 02:57:32 ID: c889ce No.1087772
Also, to conclude, Scalia calls out the issue before passing and, quite literally, brings up the scare tactics used.
Long story short, I believe this is why he would have been taken out if that indeed happened. To open the door this very case.