Hr 1154
Do you really think it was about qanon and the rhetoric?
Fb and Twitter is warning to all users
Don't wish death to the potus.
Conspiracy theories every moment since the bill was passed and potus caught the rona
Qanon sits golden
While the rest fall victim to what they condemed.
Read the bill.
H.Res.1154 - Condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes.
We won.
Whereas Facebook, Twitter, and Google have removed or blocked [placeholder] groups and content from their platforms for violating their policies against misinformation, bullying, hate speech, and harassment;
Whereas our Nation’s polarization is further accentuated by others, from the far left to the far right, promoting extreme ideologies and antigovernment conspiracy theories, hijacking legitimate peaceful protests, and encouraging followers to damage, deface, or vandalize local, State, and Federal Government properties and to attack law enforcement: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) condemns [placeholder] and rejects the conspiracy theories it promotes;
(2) condemns all other groups and ideologies,from the far left to the far right, that contribute to thespread of unfounded conspiracy theories and that encourage Americans to destroy public and private property and attack law enforcement officers;
(3) encourages the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as all Federal law enforcement and homeland security agencies, to continue to strengthen their focus on preventing violence, threats, harassment, and other criminal activity by extremists motivated by fringe political conspiracy theories;
(4) encourages the intelligence community to uncover any foreign support, assistance, or online amplification [placeholder] receives, as well as any [placeholder] affiliations, coordination, and contacts with foreign extremist organizations or groups espousing violence; and
(5) urges all Americans, regardless of our beliefs or partisan affiliation, to seek information from authoritative sources and to engage in political debate from a common factual foundation.
Now they all lose.