so the baker coup that just happened got rid of the cringe baker team that would drive off anon by being total bullies and bitches to everyone, and then coordinate crap notables, and tainted baker push notables?
if so: Bravo!
if not: what just happened?
on July 1 we had a marked change here, and it got really mean really quick.
People posted stuff like 'they are listening, they know who you are' as if that was scarey. We are here to say 'we know what you are, we listen we see you too' and have no issue (or should I say I have not issue) with the obvious: all comms are recorded for all things all the time forever as far back as is meaningful.
great we know someone listens.
then they said 'for your own good, these breds are monitored, you should stop'
again anon were like 'we know all this'
and there is alot worst stuff that I've probalby blocked. I used spurge about it for at least one bread in the early morning when it was most obvious. And through July I stopped the day posts for a long time, becuas the team of shills would always gang up.
finally I figured out how to diflect them, and made their circuits blow up (me and a few others).
but knew they were still there.
they must have figured out that if they messed with me that I was relentless.
I even got one of them to use my made up word 'donk' trying to insult me and I told him 'ha ha, I made that up and posted it for a while and you're the first one, other than I, to use the stupid (but very useful, and mega-donk)
anyway, so if the beach bakers are finally purged . . .
that will be awesome.
I'll believe it when they don't post anymore.