>>10911005 PB
Somalia… here we go again with the black kids… Birth Certificates are not issued in Somalia, unless you are born in a hospital. Which is probalby more rare since this is a Tribal land. When BILL CLINTON was president we had the Somalis starving to death, famine drought etc, which is when they started bringing them over here… then you had the Tutsi / Rawana /Hutu Genocides MILLIONS DIED. The Clintons were in power, It was amageddon for those people. I guess we need to ask where the children went. This is an ugly thing to look at folks. There was a woman who brought attention to it…Alison Des Forges, who had hoped to bring attention to it. She died in the SAME plane crash that killed Beverly Eckert the 911 Widow who was bringing National Attention to 911 being an inside job… Now What are those odds… It also seems like the CLINTONS/Obamas/Bushes have a penchant for plane crashes…
Anyway… this one topic in and of itself is a huge rabbit hole, but black kids, war/famine/war/genocide mass mass murder… missing kids. Walnut sauce. Rich in gold, diamonds, minerals and oil and exploited for decades by the Rothschilds and the rest of the world. and the children too. and the somalies, were left in a desert to starve. we brought refugees here, muslim somali, who Omar is a product of and groomed like Obama from childhood to be an agent of destruction of America.