>Someone posts evidence of regular bakers being shills
Stopped right there
made up graphics of connections produced by oss is not proof but they decide it is and continually spam it hoping to fool people.
>Someone posts evidence of regular bakers being shills
Stopped right there
made up graphics of connections produced by oss is not proof but they decide it is and continually spam it hoping to fool people.
>muh graphics are true dey REEEally are!
the shit he has attributed to gb is all made up shit and reaches cause he got BTFO on sunday for the last stunt.
I can't speak to most of it as not me
narrative is that I threatened to remove his bullshit set-up out of the dough (from the sunday night set-up)-as if I can do this
don't bake and just cover notes when needed.
but muh narrative and all that.
Muh graphics!!!
him forcing his board into global last sunday on a "vote" that lasted a little less than 5 minutes.
bakers should not be adding anything of own into that
Been adding own notables today too of old tired diggs seen months ago
not new and utter fabrications
you would have a much stronger case if you actually used the links but you can't because they don't exist in the manner that you are presenting them in
and the fren from the faggit board as "support"
>regular = produces bowel movement on schedule
all here bro you excel at it