thanks bakes!
thanks for this cut, anon
top fucking kek
John Roberts is Tired of It
Never Forget Those In The Background
>ONE anon grabbed a bred, wouldn't let go. Maligned other bakers and anons - because he knows best. Put what he likes into notables whatever the feedback - because he knows best. Engaged in destructive, unity-shattering behavior again and again while sidelining our mission to document DS efforts to take down our government - because he knows best.
you need to post it with your claims
pics related
links to relevent posts
chain of UID's to show identity of guilty party(ies)
I hereby make a claim of /comms/baker subversion
this claim is the foundational reason for the splitting of the bread today
the bread was split for the reason of:
Violation of First Principles
First Principle Violated:
-anons not allowed to bake as anon
Example 1 of Ongoing Issue
/comms/bakers refuse to handoff to anons
4 /comms/bakers involved in this example (4 unique UID's)
pic related includes 3 of these bakers
would have included 4th but pic related getting too large to digest
Bread #13946
/comms/bakers refuse to handoff to anons
anon wasfirst to offerto take bake
/comms/baker 'be' refuses to pass without qbin pre-verification
/comms/bakers proceed to defend brand new baker hand-off pre-verification procedure that was created by these same /comms/bakers
/comms/bakers require anon to selfdox/namefag in order to bake
since when are anons not allowed to bake as anon?
pic very related
input from anons requested
how does this look to you anons?
easy to understand?
is everything sauced?
UIDs → /comms/baker ID's
too big? (what should be removed?)
At least 2 more examples of the above are being sauced and proofed
will post when done
thank you for (you)r consideration
>In regards to the health risks involved with 5G, answer me this: Do you want China modulating the frequencies, or America?
>We can find a frequency that's neutral to the body,perhaps even beneficial.
one million times this
this is what I try and tell my frens that kvetch about muh5G
its can be bad, yes
it can also be massively good
rife, energy is healing, etc.
its not about, IS there 5g
its about
WHO is TUNING the 5g
you get it, anon
save the caps and post in bakers META, anon
Notables @250
Bread #13967
>>10914167 Paris Hilton Digs on her own past; drops on Twitter
>>10914204 Don Jr Stammering about "Timing" -possible comms?
>>10914208 Hillary Clinton Tweet references abolishing Constitution
>>10914214 Five human trafficking victims rescued, 46 arrests made in massive Houston-wide sting operation
>>10914219 Parents Outraged After Ohio High School Football Game Turns into a BLM Rally
>>10914224 More Than 500 JPMorgan Employees Inexplicably Got Emergency Virus Relief Funds
>>10914225 Kuwait's new emir meets senior U.S., Iranian officials
>>10914228 Walter Reed Comms
>>10914231 MSNBC Finally Realizes Trump Really Has Built New Border Wall, Freaks Out
>>10914247 Baron Trump is Romanov Child -time traveller (you) decide
>>10914264 , >>10914348 5G; Do you want China modulating the frequencies, or America?
>>10914265 Is Mass Mail-in Voting About to Backfire on Democrats?
>>10914274 Red states are outperforming blue states economically
>>10914292 California Is a Cautionary Tale for America
>>10914298 Biden’s Catholic Con Job Continues Meanwhile, the Vatican squabbles with the Trump administration
>>10914309 Britain's Covid care home policies 'violated the fundamental human rights of vulnerable elderly residents', Amnesty International report finds
>>10914312 Jaime Harrison debates Graham behind plexiglass shield
>>10914315 Former Democrat State Rep. Candidate Matt Trowbridge Caught on Camera Trying To Have Sex With 14 Year Old Boy
>>10914330 Peaceful Black Lives Matter – Antifa Goons Hurl Explosives at Seattle Police, Vandalize Businesses (VIDEO)
>>10914354 17 Republican Members of Congress Vote Against Condemning QAnon
>>10914392 QAnon Reigns Free On Amazon Despite Its Recent Ban Of Proud Boys, Redskins Merchandise
chek'm anons
top of the moring to all patriots in attendance
always darkest before the Don
>Gerbil Banger
does Gerbil Banger = Gerbil?
anyone know?
anyone have a name to add to this list?
>I don't know where the name comes from
it comes from that "anons" tripcode over on EndChan
EndChan is another website (imageboard) much like 8chan/4chan/8kun/etc.
one of its (gerbils) tripcodes over there phonetically sounds similar to gerbil if you try to pronounce it
hence -gerbil
this is the same anon known as EndChan
this is the same anon who is BO of /warroom/ (???)
and the most recent director of /warroom/ activities
its may or may not be the same anon as Genesis (orriginally started warrom, as the story goes)
it is likely the same anon that is refered to as 'cee' on /comms/
I know this because I baked /qanonresearch/ breads on the EndChan bunker during the 8chan deplatforming in september/november/december of 2019
if anyone else has any more information to add to the pile
now seems like a good morning
>Shill Bakers? Consider yourself traitors
double dubs confirm
shill bakers are traitors
Notables @400
Bread #13967
>>10914167 Paris Hilton Digs on her own past; drops on Twitter
>>10914204 Don Jr Stammering about "Timing" -possible comms?
>>10914208 Hillary Clinton Tweet references abolishing Constitution
>>10914214 Five human trafficking victims rescued, 46 arrests made in massive Houston-wide sting operation
>>10914219 Parents Outraged After Ohio High School Football Game Turns into a BLM Rally
>>10914224 More Than 500 JPMorgan Employees Inexplicably Got Emergency Virus Relief Funds
>>10914225 Kuwait's new emir meets senior U.S., Iranian officials
>>10914228 Walter Reed Comms
>>10914231 MSNBC Finally Realizes Trump Really Has Built New Border Wall, Freaks Out
>>10914247 , >>10914520 , >>1091452 Baron Trump is Romanov Child -time traveller (you) decide
>>10914264 , >>10914348 5G; Do you want China modulating the frequencies, or America?
>>10914265 Is Mass Mail-in Voting About to Backfire on Democrats?
>>10914274 Red states are outperforming blue states economically
>>10914292 California Is a Cautionary Tale for America
>>10914298 Biden’s Catholic Con Job Continues Meanwhile, the Vatican squabbles with the Trump administration
>>10914309 Britain's Covid care home policies 'violated the fundamental human rights of vulnerable elderly residents', Amnesty International report finds
>>10914312 Jaime Harrison debates Graham behind plexiglass shield
>>10914315 Former Democrat State Rep. Candidate Matt Trowbridge Caught on Camera Trying To Have Sex With 14 Year Old Boy
>>10914330 Peaceful Black Lives Matter – Antifa Goons Hurl Explosives at Seattle Police, Vandalize Businesses (VIDEO)
>>10914354 17 Republican Members of Congress Vote Against Condemning QAnon
>>10914392 QAnon Reigns Free On Amazon Despite Its Recent Ban Of Proud Boys, Redskins Merchandise
>>10914401 Top aides accuse Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton of bribery, abusing office
>>10914410 WILDCHILD TO MUM I was hooked on cocaine aged 12 — I know how lucky I am, says Drew Barrymore
>>10914415 The Mike Wallace Interview with Ayn Rand
>>10914425 HOLLYWOOD EXODUS Coronavirus, high taxes & social unrest — why movie stars including Robert De Niro and Tom Hanks are leaving Hollywood
>>10914452 The Democrats' Long Temper Tantrum Will Reelect Trump
>>10914478 , >>10914519 , >>10914533 , >>10914534 DoD Tweet: It’s not easy being green. -all of the keks
>>10914481 Democrats would destroy Supreme Court with scheme to pack justices
>>10914482 We sent out the call and you answered! Hundreds and then thousands of prayers began coming in….and they're not stopping
>>10914495 Sikhs perform Ardaas prayer for @realDonaldTrump outside Walter Reade!
>>10914497 ‘He’s on the wrong team’: Christian leaders criticize Biden campaign ads highlighting Biden’s faith
>>10914503 Watch: Trump Supporter Outside Walter Reed Hospital: ‘He’s Been Fighting for Us; I’m Going to Fight for Him’
>>10914506 VA Palo Alto first 5G hospital
>>10914514 ArchiveAnon Update
>>10914516 Trump campaign scores court victory: Maine judge rules against ballot harvesting, upholds voter ID requirements
>>10914542 Hondurans in migrant caravan bused back after entering Guatemala
chek'm anons
anything missing?
any mistakes?
anything fake and gay?
checking it out anon
do you mind re-posting the original caps of those posts from way (PB)
>Morn’n baker. You guud?
mornin fren!
going to call it at the Dough next bread
looking to take?
>baker here for back up if needed
teamwork makin' the dream work
will def be hitting the rack next bread
with any luck
in bed before the sun rises -kek
>It sure as shit looks like the military and the some private sectors and showing LOYALTY TO Q+ by posting Red October references…
baker notable
>will meet you at the top bakes.
5:5 fren
cya at the top of next
> you fix any of it?
I attempted some housecleaning on those links and headers -kek
you are welcome to tidy things further if I missed a spot
hive is alive, anons
despite all the 'stormin' around us
anon is feeling good
like that scene from big trouble in little china
you know the one
make an arguement, anon
I conditionally accept your offer
my condition is that you convince me to remove it through logical argumentation
balls in your court now, fren
Notables @650
thats a wrap folks
Bread #13967
>>10914167 , >>10914317 , >>10914328 Paris Hilton Digs on her own past; drops on Twitter
>>10914575 Paris Jackson Supports Paris Hilton, Says She Was Diagnosed with PTSD After Attending Similar School
>>10914204 Don Jr Stammering about "Timing" -possible comms?
>>10914208 Hillary Clinton Tweet references abolishing Constitution
>>10914214 Five human trafficking victims rescued, 46 arrests made in massive Houston-wide sting operation
>>10914219 Parents Outraged After Ohio High School Football Game Turns into a BLM Rally
>>10914224 More Than 500 JPMorgan Employees Inexplicably Got Emergency Virus Relief Funds
>>10914225 Kuwait's new emir meets senior U.S., Iranian officials
>>10914228 Walter Reed Comms
>>10914231 MSNBC Finally Realizes Trump Really Has Built New Border Wall, Freaks Out
>>10914247 , >>10914520 , >>10914522 Baron Trump is Romanov Child -time traveller (you) decide
>>10914264 , >>10914348 5G; Do you want China modulating the frequencies, or America?
>>10914265 Is Mass Mail-in Voting About to Backfire on Democrats?
>>10914274 Red states are outperforming blue states economically
>>10914292 California Is a Cautionary Tale for America
>>10914298 Biden’s Catholic Con Job Continues Meanwhile, the Vatican squabbles with the Trump administration
>>10914309 Britain's Covid care home policies 'violated the fundamental human rights of vulnerable elderly residents', Amnesty International report finds
>>10914312 Jaime Harrison debates Graham behind plexiglass shield
>>10914315 Former Democrat State Rep. Candidate Matt Trowbridge Caught on Camera Trying To Have Sex With 14 Year Old Boy
>>10914330 Peaceful Black Lives Matter – Antifa Goons Hurl Explosives at Seattle Police, Vandalize Businesses (VIDEO)
>>10914354 17 Republican Members of Congress Vote Against Condemning QAnon
>>10914392 QAnon Reigns Free On Amazon Despite Its Recent Ban Of Proud Boys, Redskins Merchandise
>>10914401 Top aides accuse Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton of bribery, abusing office
>>10914410 WILDCHILD TO MUM I was hooked on cocaine aged 12 — I know how lucky I am, says Drew Barrymore
>>10914415 The Mike Wallace Interview with Ayn Rand
>>10914425 HOLLYWOOD EXODUS Coronavirus, high taxes & social unrest — why movie stars including Robert De Niro and Tom Hanks are leaving Hollywood
>>10914452 The Democrats' Long Temper Tantrum Will Reelect Trump
>>10914478 , >>10914519 , >>10914533 , >>10914534 DoD Tweet: It’s not easy being green. -all of the keks
>>10914481 Democrats would destroy Supreme Court with scheme to pack justices
>>10914482 We sent out the call and you answered! Hundreds and then thousands of prayers began coming in….and they're not stopping
>>10914495 Sikhs perform Ardaas prayer for @realDonaldTrump outside Walter Reade!
>>10914497 ‘He’s on the wrong team’: Christian leaders criticize Biden campaign ads highlighting Biden’s faith
>>10914503 Watch: Trump Supporter Outside Walter Reed Hospital: ‘He’s Been Fighting for Us; I’m Going to Fight for Him’
>>10914506 VA Palo Alto first 5G hospital
>>10914514 ArchiveAnon Update
>>10914516 Trump campaign scores court victory: Maine judge rules against ballot harvesting, upholds voter ID requirements
>>10914542 Hondurans in migrant caravan bused back after entering Guatemala
>>10914539 Congressman Devin Nunes delivers an opening statement
>>10914554 Texas AG Paxton disputes bribery, abuse-of-office allegations leveled by aides
>>10914608 QAnon Lands on LinkedIn, Prompting Networking Site to Limit Spread
>>10914619 Flynn Tweet:Stand strong America. God Bless the USA. #BeNotAfraid
>>10914594 Biden's dramatic change to retirement accounts could reduce their availability, industry warns
>>10914651 Senator Joni Ernst SHREDS Her Democrat Opponent on Debate Stage
>>10914668 It sure as shit looks like the military and the some private sectors and showing LOYALTY TO Q+ by posting Red October references…
>>10914677 Surge in new GOP voters puts pressure on Florida Democrats
>>10914760 Trump says 'real test' lies ahead in his COVID-19 fight
>>10914774 Pope says free market, 'trickle-down' policies fail society
>>10914787 Changes at First Marine Division in the last two weeks…
>its not politically relevant
has nothing to do with politics
if the subject doesnt interest you
well, you know what to do
>Notables are to be posted when sauced.
please call out un-sauced notables while baking, anon
Final bun already posted
no more edits for this set
do it better next bread fren
as always
>Why can't an Amazing child be glorified as a nonviolent time-travelling Superhero?
because they need a narrative to use against me
because I will only bake as anon
and will never engage in pre-verification namefag fuckery
so now they need to damage me somehow in the eyes of anons
good thing anons know
all of the keks