ty bake!
"SEASF Chief Master Sgt. Roger Towberman spoke
's first Enlisted Professional Military Education graduation. This is the first iteration of EPME the grads will receive throughout their careers, and it preps them to assume roles & responsibilities as front-line supervisors!"
>that they wouldn't find a means to cooperate? 5:5
They way I read it anon…
So back in late 2019 we had Haspel "cooperating" UNLESS there was something damaging to the agency as the story implies…
What does a general tell his troops before the battle begins?
Would sound about like:
>Stand strong America.
>God Bless the USA.
>can you imagine the Reeeeeeees if we had been told in 2017 that done in 30 meant 30 months.
This anon would have left and come back in month 29…
Q had to string us along…
>Looks like Red October is next up.
Looks like it is here…
BTW..Navy would be the heart of the SSP correct?
Naval Institute twat is submission…
Musk twat is submission…
all these were at the debate correct?
9/26 was Rose Garden event…
9/29 was the debate…
Any ccp media at both??? Almost certainly this was INTENTIONAL…
Good study…
Interesting that the mechanism of action here is killing staph…
CBG a constituent in cannabis a PATENTED staph killer…
"Now, researchers have uncovered the hidden antibiotic potential of a non-psychoactive cannabis compound called cannabigerol (CBG), which helped control methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections in mice."
>Declassification decisions at the highest level of the agency
Wray and Haspel are both holding documents…you can argue this two ways…
Holding due to timing of EVERYTHING? Or holding due to complicitness…
Motives don't really matter, now that we know we will DEMAND the DECLASS…
Doing a bit of a dig on the Schumman and ULF…boy can they mind fuck us with these waves! Lots of studies out here…
An interesting thing about the Schumman is a constant wave at around 50hz which was freaking me out…explained on graph as noise from the power grid…
However, nothing explains the Schumman crazy…should be 7hz…
Best monitoring site: http://www.vlf.it/cumiana/livedata.html
"For example: Our brain uses 13Hz (high alpha or low beta) for “active” intelligence. Often we find individuals who exhibit learning disabilities and attention problems having a deficiency of 13Hz activity in certain brain regions that affects the ability to easily perform sequencing tasks and math calculations."