The CDC has a loooong track record of unethical behavior. Poul Thorsen is still a fugitive after apparently absconding with US govt. funds, but I believe his "research" is still cited in the old "vaccines don't cause autism" canard. Julie Gerberding, after her tenure at CDC moved on to a very lucrative position with Merck (payback perhaps for covering up the autism/vaccine connection?). Even CDC scientists know that their agency is corrupt. Witness the Huff Post piece about a "spider" biting the CDC.
An organization this corrupt needs to be disbanded and anyone knowingly complicit with the destruction of American lives through the promotion and coerced use of dangerous vaccines should be prosecuted.
And its not just vaccines. The CDC has been involved in a number of cases of apparently manipulating or covering up data. This was apparently the case with a study of the vaccine autism connection as covered in the movie "Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe" but also the case with manipulated data reporting on flu and pneumonia related deaths.