Anonymous ID: 1eca57 April 18, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.1091759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1828 >>1831 >>1848 >>1907 >>1952



I trust the plan, support POTUS and Q and do what i can to support the cause, so inb4 shill. Its getting harder and harder to voice my opinions and show my support in social settings, not because I cant defend my views, but because the social ostrisization is becoming unbearable. I dont particularly like people or crave social activity, but the label of nutcase by friends and family is becoming difficult. My personal relationships are suffering. I know much is happening behind the scenes but we are losing the info war. Leftist propaganda has increased ten fold, and its more effective than its ever been. Please, please give us something irrafutable soon. I will continue to support the cause but will do so deeper and deeper in depression and confusion as each day passes w/o major public proofs. Thankyou Q team for your efforts. Us anons will have your back, but we need you to have ours now more than ever