RED ALERT: Are the President's Enemies Preparing a COUP?
>Jesus was not patriotic.
Christ spoke the Truth publicly drawing huge gatherings and by doing so, he challenged the false authorities of his time, the moneychangers,
the scribes, and the elite religious oligarchs.
They didn’t kill him because he taught people to love thy neighbor, they killed him for taking a fearless stand against falsehood and hypocrisy.
Many of his teachings were also anti-religious. For example, when he said that “the Sabbath was made for man, but man was not made for the Sabbath.
Christianity is not a religion that was corrupted, but the corruption was in its institutionalization as religion by the church, which then became a temple for the State to gain worldly power and wealth.
Though patriotism usually refers to love of country, in the context of Christ’s story, his “patriotism“ could be framed broadly to include love of humanity.
>Jesus was not patriotic to earth because he was from "heaven". He told his Kingdom was not from here and that his disciples should behave like ambassadors of his Kingdom.
Stated in this context, I agree with you anon.