Be Best, anons.
I think the following topics are worthy of deeper exploration.
Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict
China-India border conflict
coalition vs. China CCP (South China Sea region)
Sec. Pompeo's deplomatic visit to the Vatican to discuss Vatican cooperation agreement with China CCP, rebuffed by pope
Swampy U.S. politicians
What other topics are anons monitoring?
Would you like further information on some of these topics?
What if we all decided to sing with one voice, like the Mockingbirds sing?
When we are divided, what's the impact of our separate voices?
When we UNITE, is our voice stronger?
Would division be a great way to shush our united voice?
Is turning anons against one another division?
How do we make UNITY?
How do we UNITE our voices to overcome the Mockingbird?
It is a factual description of what enemies of truth do here. Whether Acosta personally did it or not, it is conceptually accurate.
(1) Create a widely-recognized bogeyman
(2) Assert (a non-existent) affiliation between patriot anons and the bogeyman
(3) Result: deprive patriot anons of their voice by diminishing their credibility in the eyes of casual visitors and non-autist anons who can't see through the (2) fake assertion.
See the game?
See how the win-lose equation works for the smearers and their victims?