Golly gee willikers, that sure does explain why nobody contracts covid at BLM/Antifa riots er um i mean peaceful protests.
It's almost as if covid is a psyop for internet porn that transexualizes men and whores out women…
…almost as if…
Looking forward to the next battle badge the anons are cooking up. Battle of /comms/grad or somesuch mebbe.
At least we finally shed that annoying-as-fuck flushedboi.
Jill biden's eggplant needs alot moar memeing too. Kek.
anon still wonders wtf is going on in the vatican rn. I'd wager they're behind this attack on potus, but the chinese are behind the pope and the reptiIian shapeshifters are behind the chinese so it's just a neverending slog clear to the end of 2020.