We've come to understand that Q drops come from a white hat intelligence source.
That being the case, dDo you think that Q would drop detailed plans on a board that is crawling with black hats trying to intercept whatever information they can?
of couse not.
This is why disinformation is necessary. It's important to
keep the bad guys guessing when things are going to happen.
Next week? Tomorrow? After the election?
The element of surprise needs to me maintained.
This may frustrate the some people, but it is necessary.
Some people take the Q drops, which are supposed to include
secret info to take down the deep state and then blab it to
the world on the social networks. Logic would dictate that
such sensitive info should be kept private and a sense of
operational security maintained, however, that is not what we
see happening. Why would anyone reveal such info to the public which includes the bad guys who are part of the swamp?
Do you think that Q considered this before releasing the drops on the boards?
My guess, absolutely. I cannot imagine how it would not be considered.
If this writing has any merit to it, then we should have a better understanding of where we fit in to this plan. How many times have we watched a movie where just befor the big event happens that someone says…"We need a distraction"?
IMO we are that distraction. Because there are so many of us running in so many directions, the bad guys have to chase us in the many directions.
I believe that the info provided in the drops is enough truth to let us know there is a plan so that we do not worry about the things we see and the fake news we hear, but also enough disinformation to keep the bad guys on their toes.
Even though we may not know the exact details for all the reasons stated above, We just need to keep the faith and trust the plan.