Anonymous ID: e92ed2 Oct. 4, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.10918875   🗄️.is 🔗kun

lb >>10918692


remember they divide people so we fight each other and remain blind to the real problems.

martin luther and the printing press enabled a swift reformation.

i do not think one sect is any less corrupt than the other.


the long term cabal plan is to eliminate all powerful groups which contain a like minded citizenry which would organize and challenge the cabal control. so they destroy power any number of way.


they split islam into shiite and sunni.

catholicism into orthodox and roman, roman further via protestantism.


when weakened they then used divided by religion nation states to engage in war to destroy any competitors enemies of their world control plans.


WW1= destroyed ottoman empire (islamic)

Destroyed romanov dynasty (orthodox)

Destroyed Hapsburg dynasty (roman)


WW2= destroyed Empire of Japan

Destroyed China Ming, etal dynasties


divide and conquer and install their fiat central banks, and nation state status with state departments and intel that are their franchise for globalism. then they inflitrated and weakened all culture of the countries and peoples.

Anonymous ID: e92ed2 Oct. 4, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.10919095   🗄️.is 🔗kun

lb notable>>10918435 Heavy Rocket Strikes Hit Nagorno-Karabakh Capital (Videos, Photos)

there is no shortage of land, with the cost of war in lives, munitions, fuel, as well as destruction of buildings, infrastrcuture, etc. i cannot imagine that Potus could not negotiate an end to these wars.




In this disputed region claimed by azers but occupied by armenians, i would say hey, a fight i going to cost all involved countries 50 billion, and will leave the winner of the region with 50 billion in destroyed buildings.


To save lives i propose we move the armenians closer to home and build them a brand new beautiful city, on a nice river. The azers can have the region they want to fight for and the armenians can have a brand new region, a beautiful one with all new homes and buildings within armenian borders, so they get safety and internationally recognized sovereignty in a undisputed region.


no doubt the DS plans borders to ensure a region can be later broken up and led into a war relatively easy. yes they have historical roots and many will want to stay, but if you have superpowers dropping bombs it becomes a little bigger than a local dispute, or perhaps have superpowers pull out and arm each side with aks and ars and have them fight the old fashioned way. i would take a deal and get a new beautiful home in the comfiness of greater armenia and let the azers have the old shit.