Anonymous ID: 046964 Oct. 4, 2020, 2:13 p.m. No.10920761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0773 >>0779 >>0874 >>1034 >>1132 >>1190



This is in notables, but, I watched the full video.


We need to repost on the board as notable for a few days. Why?

The information enclosed is too critical not to be made available to Doctors who need it, and to the Lawyers who now plan to take the recent Pennsylvania Constitutional case across the nation to state trials to have "pandemic lock downs" declared unconstitutional. That Pennsylvania case was decided based on a trial concerning the actual veracity of the science which other courts up until this time, have woefully denied hearing. The information in this video from Germany needs to be added to the arsenal of the lawyers on those cases.

Even more….

The information here from Germany IF ADDED to the research presented in that Pennsylvania case, can help legal cases world wide, and can also help us set up an International court for the immense murderous COVID fraud, Nuremberg II if you like. The perpetrators must be tried for their willful global genocide, and yes, they must be executed, in front of the world. This kind of thing can never happen again.


Posting here, will help the professionals gather the international information that has been garnered on the international fraud, with names, dates, meeting minutes of the guilty ones done before the fraud in the "planning process".

The lawyers who are going to challenge the lock downs under the Constitution, in the states, and also various nations, need the information, names, research, autopsy reports, legal reports, for their state cases, that are contained in this video. Doctors need to be aware that they are able to help restore the Constitutions here, and around the world by adding to this data from the local level.

Also: On the PCR test findings……..

Anonymous ID: 046964 Oct. 4, 2020, 2:13 p.m. No.10920773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0877 >>1034 >>1132 >>1153 >>1190


Doctors in America and around the world need to be aware of the verdict:

The PCR test is hopelessly flawed.

It can not diagnose anyone with COVID. Period.

All positive tests have been a fraud perpetrated on the public by (((them))) to sell pharmaceuticals, and yes, to make millions enforcing a vaccine without medical justification.

PCR can not diagnose a case of COVID.

There is proof of this.


It appears huge numbers of Doctors world wide, are going on the record against the global criminal cabal. They are naming names. They are calling for Nuremberg II for the people who started the fraud in science and even for those in the Main Stream International Media who carried out the "panic mongering" world wide with respect to COVID-19. (Frankly I think the media should be held accountable for trumpeting this murderous fraud upon humanity as well. They should also be held to account for not investigating, and for telling a lie that causes death.)

And do not give me "muh 1A" on this.

First Amendment Constitutional law is well settled, and applies to the media:

Can you yell "fire" in a crowded theater?


The right to yell fire in a crowded theater when you know doing so will cause panic and death, is NOT a constitutional right. ESPECIALLY then there is NO FIRE.

Media must be held accountable in these international trials.

For those who decided to be in on the fraud, and knowingly push this murderous lie, there must be trial, and executions.


I did not know this, but, apparently in nations outside the United States….

Anonymous ID: 046964 Oct. 4, 2020, 2:14 p.m. No.10920779   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Children have been stolen from families, around the world using COVID mandates.

(Wanna bet if we track this, the children are lost, or being "trafficked".

The vampires are desparate. They have gone "Twoofy" as the blood drinkers themselves now call it.

People are being assassinated for not wearing masks.

Huge numbers of people have lost their livelihoods around the world.

Constitutional freedoms have been suspended as never before in history, based upon an international fraud instigated by those who would impose a Global unelected government upon the planet, and their international media partner corporations. All this started by the biggest Communist Authoritarian Nation and their globalst Cohorts at the UN.


According to the report in the video, Bill Gates, the WHO, some Federal Agencies, Big international pharma, big international media, are provably in on this fraudulent crime against humanity causing huge loss of life, children, and livelihoods world wide. This video announcement full of information needed by our legal and medical professionals, is from Germany.


(((They))) knowingly, willfully committed genocide on a massive global scale, and this has now been proven.Such international crimes were perpetraited to sell pharmaceuticals,

force vaccination at government threat,

suspend the Constitutions and freedoms of many nations,

steal children from families,

turn homes into prisons

Murder the elderly in nursing homes,

Provide cover for the covert street assasination of political enemies of Communism

and further the globalist goal of "population reduction",

This crime spree should be punished SEVERLY, after the full international trial of those involved.


If the video does not post, here is the link:


"Crimes against Humanity"


Dr Reiner Fuellmich is a highly credentialed and experienced lawyer who is coming after all entities and individuals implicated in the “GREATEST CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY THAT HAS EVER BEEN COMMITTED”…the 2020 COVID19 crime!