Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 1:30 p.m. No.10920161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0540 >>0790 >>1034 >>1132 >>1190

Harvey Weinstein Charged With 3 More Rapes In California


Disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein was charged with six additional forcible sexual assault counts involving two victims stemming from incidents that allegedly occurred more than a decade ago.


The case was amended to add three felony counts each of forcible rape and forcible oral copulation. Weinstein now faces a total of four counts each of forcible rape and forcible oral copulation, two counts of sexual battery by restraint and one count of sexual penetration by use of force, involving five victims for crimes that span from 2004 to 2013.


“I am thankful to the first women who reported these crimes and whose courage have given strength to others to come forward,” District Attorney Lacey said. “The willingness of these latest victims to testify against a powerful man gives us the additional evidence we need to build a compelling criminal case.”


It is the second time the criminal complaint against Weinstein has been amended to include additional counts. If convicted as charged in the amended complaint, the defendant faces up to 140 years to life in state prison.


The new charges include an incident between September 2004 and September 2005 where Weinstein allegedly raped a woman at a hotel in Beverly Hills.


The defendant also is accused of raping another woman on two separate occasions in November 2009 and November 2010 at a hotel in Beverly Hills.


Weinstein was originally charged in January with sexually assaulting two women during separate incidents in 2013. The complaint was amended in April to add a charge that the defendant allegedly sexually assaulted a woman at a Beverly Hills hotel in May 2010.


Prosecutors are seeking the temporary custody of Weinstein from New York. An extradition hearing is set for December 11 in Buffalo.


Deputy District Attorneys Paul Thompson and Marlene Martinez are prosecuting the case.


The case remains under investigation by the Los Angeles and Beverly Hills police departments and the District Attorney’s Bureau of Investigation.

Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 1:34 p.m. No.10920211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0227 >>0258 >>0267 >>0314 >>0324 >>0540 >>0790 >>1034 >>1132 >>1190

Azerbaijani President Says His Soldiers Are Crushing Armenians Like ‘Dogs’


Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev has demanded Armenia to set a timetable for withdrawing from the region of Nagorno-Karabakh.


In a televised address to the nation on October 4, Aliyev said Azerbaijani forces are advancing to recapture the region of Nagorno-Karabakh which was lost to ethnic Armenians in 1990.


“The Azeri soldier is chasing them [Armenians] like dogs, the Azeri soldier is standing at their posts, we have taken their weaponry, we are carrying out the mission of liberation,” the President said.


Aliyev went on to say that Azerbaijan had waited 30 years to recapture its territory [Nagorno-Karakah] from Armenian forces.


“Nagorno-Karabakh is the territory of Azerbaijan. We must return and we shall return.” He added.


Aliyev’s address came a few hours after a series of rocket strikes by Azerbaijani forces on the city of Stepanakert, the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh. Civilian casualties were reported.


The Azerbaijani Armed Forces launched a large offensive against Armenian forces in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27. Syrian militants and allegedly Turkish troops are backing the offensive.


Azerbaijani forces managed to make some gains in the northeastern and southeastern parts of the region. However, Armenian troops are still showing fierce resistance.


Aliyev’s new statements indicate that Azerbaijan is not willing to accept any ceasefire as for now. Talks with Armenia also appear to be highly-unlikely.

Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 1:42 p.m. No.10920310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0389 >>0393

Turkish Service Members Spotted In Azerbaijan’s Ganja (Photos)


Several Turkish service members were spotted in the Azerbaijani city of Ganja following a rocket strike by Armenian forces.


The strike, which took place in the early morning of October 4, targeted a military air base near Ganja. The government of the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh claims that F-16 warplanes of Turkey are deployed in the base.


Azerbaijan said the Armenian rocket strike hit buildings in Ganja’s city center, killing a civilian and injuring at least four others.


Turkish service members were spotted in a video and many photos from the strike scene shared by al-Jazeera TV and Hikmet Hajiyev, a top aide of the Azerbaijani President.


A day earlier, Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said special units of the Turkish Armed Forces are deployed on the ground together with the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, which are leading the attack on Nagorno-Karabakh.


“There are 150 high-ranking Turkish officers leading the military operations on the part of Azerbaijan,” Pashinyan said in a statement, adding “This description in itself shows that intense battles are taking place on the frontline.”


While Turkey is openly supporting the ongoing Azerbaijan attack on Nagorno-Karabakh, it denies taking any part in the operations there.


The new evidence confirming the presence of Turkish troops in Azerbaijan indicates that Turkey is indeed playing a role in the ongoing military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh. The deployment of Syrian mercenaries by Turkey in Azerbaijan has been already confirmed.

Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.10920349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0540 >>0790 >>1034 >>1132 >>1190

Melbourne's new trains being built in China by blacklisted Belt and Road firm


The Chinese company which won the $2.3 billion contract to build Melbourne's new train fleet is central to President Xi Jinping's controversial Belt and Road Initiative and was recently blacklisted by the US government due to the security risks posed by its ties to the Chinese government.


CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles, which beat local bids in 2016 to win the contract to build 65 new high-capacity metro trains, is a subsidiary of major Chinese state-owned rolling stock manufacturer CRRC and has been identified as a beneficiary of Uighur labour.


The news comes after fresh scrutiny on the Victorian government's dealings with the Chinese government with the revelation that Premier Daniel Andrews last year advertised the state as being "China's gateway to Australia".


The train project, which is more than 18 months behind schedule, was signed a week before Mr Andrews travelled to China in September 2016. Three years later, when the Premier sought more Chinese investment and gave his official endorsement to the BRI, China's expansionist infrastructure policy, the deal was held up as an exemplar.


But CRRC has been flagged by the US Defence Department as a potential cyber-security threat through its involvement in critical infrastructure. It was also listed in a March report from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute as one of 82 companies directly or indirectly benefiting from the use of Uighur workers through potentially abusive labour programs.


The report found KTK Group, a supplier to CRRC, began using Uighur labour in 2019 at one of its Chinese factories. The Victorian government has sought assurances from the company that it is not benefiting from exploited labour.



Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.10920360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0540 >>0790 >>1034 >>1132 >>1190

Esper signs 10-year US military cooperation deal with Morocco


The United States and Morocco on Friday signed an accord that aims to strengthen military cooperation and the North African kingdom’s military readiness over the next decade.


U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper signed the 10-year agreement during a two-day visit to Morocco, his last stop on a tour of three North African nations, which began this week in Tunisia, where a military accord also was signed.


He also visited Algeria, the first U.S. defense secretary to meet with leaders there since 2006. He held a meeting with President Abdelmadjid Tebboune and the army chief, Gen. Saïd Chengriha. No deals were known to be signed there, but the U.S. defense secretary reportedly discussed expanding security cooperation and security issues in the Sahel region just south of Algeria. The U.S. counts Algeria as a major ally in the fight against terrorism.


Morocco is a major non-NATO ally of the United States.


Esper met with Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita upon his arrival Friday. Full details of his plans weren’t immediately disclosed.


The military agreement “serves as a road map for defense cooperation and aims to strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries and support shared security goals,” according to a statement issued by the Moroccan Foreign Ministry.


The agreement centers on “consolidating common security objectives, especially improving the degree of military readiness,” a statement from the General Command of the Moroccan Royal Armed Forces said.


Esper also met with the deputy minister under the prime minister, charged with national defense, Abdeltif Loudiyi.


The two officials expressed their “satisfaction with the durability, distinction, continuity and dynamism of the bilateral cooperation,” the statement from the General Command said.


Esper also met with the Inspector General of the Morocco Royal Armed Forces, Gen. Abdelfettah Louarak.


The military deal is expected to further bolster cooperation between the two countries. Washington is Morocco’s largest supplier of arms. Morocco hosts the annual U.S. military exercise called “African Lion” — canceled this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 1:51 p.m. No.10920413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0430 >>0540 >>0561 >>0790 >>1034 >>1132 >>1190

What Is Dexamethasone? Trump Received First Dose Of Steroid Amid COVID-19 Diagnosis


President Trump has been hospitalized at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center since Friday after testing positive for the coronavirus. While the 74-year-old is being treated by a team of experienced doctors, the announcement that the corticosteroid dexamethasone has been added to his list of medications is raising some concerns.


NBC News senior medical correspondent Dr. John Torres discussed the steroid that was prescribed to Trump and suggested the president’s battle with the coronavirus may be more serious than his doctors are letting on.


Over the weekend, Trump’s physician Dr. Sean Conley stated that the president’s oxygen level had dropped down to 93%.


Torres claimed that starting Trump on dexamethasone, which is typically used to treat inflammation, would indicate that his coronavirus symptoms are more than mild or moderate.


The physician then reflected on the guidelines set for dexamethasone by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).


“The COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) recommends using dexamethasone (at a dose of 6 mg per day for up to 10 days) in patients with COVID-19 who are mechanically ventilated (AI) and in patients with COVID-19 who require supplemental oxygen but who are not mechanically ventilated (BI),” the guidelines reveal.


“The Panel recommends against using dexamethasone in patients with COVID-19 who do not require supplemental oxygen (AI).”


Torres claimed that the use of the drug on the president could be a “red flag” and suggested the public may not be getting an honest report about the president’s health.


Although Trump’s team of doctors has said he could be discharged as early as Monday, Torres noted that dexamethasone is typically used on patients that are severely ill and require extensive medical care.

Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.10920421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0540 >>0790 >>1034 >>1132 >>1190

Texas Governor Sued for Removing Mail-in Ballot Drop Boxes


There’s controversy in Texas because Governor Greg Abbott wanted to prevent voter fraud and ordered that ballots had to be returned to a single clerk’s office in every county. This means there would be only one location per county where mail-in ballots could be dropped off rather than put in the mail.


Voting rights advocates are screaming that being unable to drop off ballots in boxes instead of mailing them constitutes “voter suppression,” so they’re suing Abbott to force him to put the boxes back.


Who would this inconvenience? The usual suspects: old people, handicapped people, and minorities. No one has yet explained why mail-in ballots simply can’t be mailed, but I’m sure there’s a very good reason.


Washington Post:


“The impact of this eleventh-hour decisions is momentous, targets Texas’ most vulnerable voters — older voters, and voters with disabilities — and results in wild variations in access to absentee voting drop-off locations depending on the county a voter resides in,” the lawsuit stated. “It also results in predictable disproportionate impacts on minority communities . . . already hit hardest by the COVID-19 crisis.”


You just knew COVID would be in there somewhere as a reason to drop unsecured ballots in an unsecured location.


The legal action came hours after Abbott issued his order, a move that Democrats and voting rights advocates decried, saying it was aimed at suppressing the vote and warning it could hurt populous cities that are Democratic strongholds.


Abbott said having a single drop-off location per county is necessary for “ballot security,” echoing unfounded claims by President Trump about the risks of voting by mail.


Because absolutely no one is planning to commit voter fraud, so making it harder to do so is “voter suppression”? Got ya.


“The State of Texas has a duty to voters to maintain the integrity of our elections,” the governor said in a statement Thursday, adding, “These enhanced security protocols will ensure greater transparency and will help stop attempts at illegal voting.”


As the election nears, Democratic hysteria about “voter suppression” is beginning to be silly. They really believe people are dumb as posts if they can’t figure out that it’s easier to mail your ballot than it is to get in your car and drive to the clerk’s office.


Yes, but what about people who wait almost until Election Day to bother voting? Then they can drop off their ballots at the clerk’s office. You pay a premium for waiting until the last minute. That’s only fair to people who followed the rules and voted on time.


Democrats bringing the lawsuit are pretending that people don’t know how to mail their ballots. Even old people know how to mail something. Nor do you need a Ph.D. to get your ballot in the hands of the U.S. mail. It’s just silly to think that people who want to vote won’t easily adapt to the ballot security measures and cast their ballots — one way or another. The suit, like all other charges of “voter suppression,” is a political ploy to scare old people and minorities into voting for Democrats.


And that’s the bottom line.

Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 1:55 p.m. No.10920455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0540 >>0790 >>1034 >>1132 >>1190

Violent clashes erupt between cops, ultra-Orthodox in Bnei Brak, Jerusalem


Enforcing virus rules, police say 13 arrested at illegal mass gathering in central Israel synagogue; officers filmed kneeing Hasid, shoving kid; stun grenades used in Jerusalem


Police arrested 13 people in Bnei Brak on Sunday, during violent clashes that erupted as police tried to shutter a synagogue in the ultra-Orthodox city, where hundreds were praying in violation of the ongoing coronavirus lockdown.


Besides violating the restrictions on gatherings in enclosed spaces, police said most worshipers were not wearing masks or adhering to social distancing rules. After cops began handing out fines, the worshipers “began resisting and disturbing public order,” according to police.


Haredi men at the synagogue call officers “Nazis,” and urged them to “go back to Germany,” according to footage from the scene.


Videos from the scenes showed violent arrests of some of the protesters, which sparked accusations of disproportionate force.


In one video, a cop could be seen violently kneeing a man in the face, as several other officers wrestled him to the ground.


October 4, 2020. (Screenshot: Twitter)


Police arrested 13 people in Bnei Brak on Sunday, during violent clashes that erupted as police tried to shutter a synagogue in the ultra-Orthodox city, where hundreds were praying in violation of the ongoing coronavirus lockdown.


Besides violating the restrictions on gatherings in enclosed spaces, police said most worshipers were not wearing masks or adhering to social distancing rules. After cops began handing out fines, the worshipers “began resisting and disturbing public order,” according to police.


Haredi men at the synagogue call officers “Nazis,” and urged them to “go back to Germany,” according to footage from the scene.


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Videos from the scenes showed violent arrests of some of the protesters, which sparked accusations of disproportionate force.


In one video, a cop could be seen violently kneeing a man in the face, as several other officers wrestled him to the ground.


Other clips showed worshipers again gathering in the synagogue, despite the police effort to close it down. October 4, 2020. (Screenshot: Twitter)


Police arrested 13 people in Bnei Brak on Sunday, during violent clashes that erupted as police tried to shutter a synagogue in the ultra-Orthodox city, where hundreds were praying in violation of the ongoing coronavirus lockdown.


Besides violating the restrictions on gatherings in enclosed spaces, police said most worshipers were not wearing masks or adhering to social distancing rules. After cops began handing out fines, the worshipers “began resisting and disturbing public order,” according to police.


Haredi men at the synagogue call officers “Nazis,” and urged them to “go back to Germany,” according to footage from the scene.


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Videos from the scenes showed violent arrests of some of the protesters, which sparked accusations of disproportionate force.


In one video, a cop could be seen violently kneeing a man in the face, as several other officers wrestled him to the ground.


Other clips showed worshipers again gathering in the synagogue, despite the police effort to close it down.


“It’s very unfortunate that police don’t learn from past mistakes and carry out enforcement measures without coordinating with municipal officials, while using serious violence against worshipers,” Bnei Brak Mayor Avraham Rubinstein said in a statement quoted by Hebrew media.

Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 1:56 p.m. No.10920468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0540 >>0570 >>0660 >>0790 >>1034 >>1132 >>1190

Alleged Azerbaijani Advance In Nagorno-Karabakh On October 4 (Map Update)


Azerbaijan claimed to take control over the new areas in the Nort-East and South of the Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia denies the loss of territories. According to several sources, the local citizens also claim that the areas were not captured by Azerbaijani forces. No evidence of recent Azerbaijani statements has yet been presented.


According to the Azerbaijani MoD, the villages of Talysh and Mataghis were captured from Armenian forces;

According to Azerbaijani MoD, the villages of Ashagi Abdulrahmanli, Mehdili, Chakhirli, Ashagi Maralyan, Sheybey, Kuyjagh were captured from the Armenian forces;

Azerbaijani artillery shelled Stepanakert, the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh;

Armenian artillery shelled the town of Ganjahin the north of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 1:58 p.m. No.10920491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0540 >>0600 >>0790 >>1034 >>1132 >>1190

Communist Pope ‘Red Francis’ Issues Radical Edict Condemning Capitalism Using St. Francis as His Prop


Pope Frances (aka Red Francis) was back at it again this week this week.

Rather than comforting the sick and needy during this global pandemic the pope is playing politics.


The Daily Mail reports:


Pope Francis says the coronavirus pandemic has proven that the ‘magic theories’ of market capitalism have failed and that the world needs a new type of politics that promotes dialogue and solidarity.


Francis on Sunday laid out his vision for a post-COVID world by uniting the core elements of his social teachings into a new encyclical, ‘Fratelli Tutti’ (Brothers All), which was released on the feast day of his namesake, the peace-loving St. Francis of Assisi.


The document draws its inspiration from the teachings of St. Francis and the pope’s previous preaching on the injustices of the global economy and its destruction of the planet and pairs them with his call for greater human solidarity to address today’s problems.


In April the communist pope urged the global community to implement a “green recovery” to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.


Reuters reported:


The pope, who wrote a major encyclical in 2015 on the defence of nature and the dangers of climate change, dedicated his general audience – broadcast from his library because of the coronavirus lockdown – to the theme.


Recounting a Spanish proverb that God always forgives, man sometimes forgives but nature never forgives, Francis said: “If we have deteriorated the Earth, the response will be very ugly.”


A landmark in the emergence of the environmental movement when it first took place in 1970, this year’s Earth Day has prompted calls from many, including U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, for governments to pursue “green recovery” in response to coronavirus


Both the pope and Guterres have made environmental protection and climate change signature themes of their offices.


“We see these natural tragedies, which are the Earth’s response to our maltreatment,” Francis said. “I think that if I ask the Lord now what he thinks about this, I don’t think he would say it is a very good thing. It is we who have ruined the work of God.”


The church made a huge mistake when they elected this communist the Head of the church.

Oh, how the church has fallen since being led by the courageous and truly spiritual Pope John Paul II who hated communism and fought against its evil.

Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 2 p.m. No.10920542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0597 >>0727 >>0790 >>1034 >>1132 >>1190

Victoria police filmed handcuffing PREGNANT beachgoer as state authorities consider extending lockdown rules


Echoing a similar incident a month ago, Victoria police have been caught on camera forcibly arresting a pregnant woman for allegedly breaching the 5km radius rule being heavy-handedly enforced throughout the Australian state.


Footage of the dramatic arrest circulated online, showing a handful of armed police officers towering over a woman – described as pregnant by local media – at the Altona beach in the Melbourne area. An officer is seen trying to put a mask on the detainee as his colleagues handcuff her and repeatedly tell other beachgoers to stand back.


People filming the incident could be heard shouting, “What did she do? Why are you arresting her?” As tensions grew, onlookers swarmed the police squad, yelling insults at officers.


Still, this public uproar didn't stop law enforcers from walking the woman off the sand. Victoria police claimed she was found to be more than 5km away from her home, refused to provide identification to the officers, and was allegedly aggressive towards them.


The incident came on the back of warnings by Victoria state authorities that police could seal off beaches around Melbourne if residents neglect social distancing. “Victoria Police have powers. They have a steely determination to make sure people are following the rules,” State Premier Daniel Andrews warned.


These events came over a month after a Ballarat woman, also an expecting mother, was arrested and charged for “incitement” of an anti-lockdown gathering in Melbourne. The video of that incident was widely circulated on social media and triggered a massive backlash from the public.


Victoria, one of Australia's most populous states, previously announced a roadmap for rolling back certain lockdown restrictions in Melbourne. Authorities have ended a nighttime curfew, meaning that residents can go outside at any time to shop for food and essentials, exercise outdoors, travel for permitted work or to attend classes, and to see a doctor.


People can also travel further than 5km from home for the above reasons, except for shopping and exercise. The 5km rule remains in place until at least October 19 and will be rolled back if Victoria's 14-day average Covid-19 infection rate is less than five cases.

Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 2:02 p.m. No.10920572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0644 >>0790 >>1034 >>1132 >>1190

New Caledonia votes to remain part of France, but independence movement gains traction


New Caledonia has voted against breaking away from France, according to full provisional results. Support for independence in the South Pacific island territory is growing but is still not strong enough to secure full autonomy.


Those opposed to independence prevailed with 53.26 percent of the vote, compared to the 46.74 percent who wanted New Caledonia to become a sovereign nation, France’s overseas ministry said.


French President Emmanuel Macron welcomed the results and expressed his “gratitude.” He said earlier that France would be “less beautiful” without New Caledonia.


Locally, the referendum produced some interesting results. For example, the territory’s Loyalty Islands voted overwhelmingly for independence from France.


The referendum was held as part of a decades-old de-colonization plan that ended civil strife between the indigenous Kanak population and the descendants of European settlers in the French territory.


Although a ‘No’ majority was expected, the participation rate was five percent higher than an identical vote in 2018. In that referendum, those who wanted to remain with France prevailed with 56.7 percent of the vote.


A relic of France’s colonial holdings in the South Pacific, New Caledonia was claimed by the French in 1853 and is currently home to 280,000 inhabitants.


Another referendum can be held in 2022, provided the move is supported by at least one-third of the territory’s legislature. Although the ‘No’ campaign has now prevailed twice, support for independence appears to be steadily increasing.

Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 2:06 p.m. No.10920648   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Australia is Zionist occupied territory

Treasury Chabad Jew

Qld Premier Chabad Jew

NSW Premier Chabad Jew

PM Morrison connected to Hillsong pedo church

Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 2:20 p.m. No.10920871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1034 >>1132 >>1190

Individuals From Neither Party Were Tested for COVID At Cleveland Debate, “There Was An Honor System”, But Only Republicans Contracted COVID?


Yesterday we reported that only top Republicans, including the President, contracted the China coronavirus this past week but ironically no Democrats contracted the virus.


We now have more information on the recent outbreak in Cleveland at the site of the Presidential debate which could shed some light on this unique situation.


FOX News provided a list of Americans who have contracted the China coronavirus along with the President – note all of these people are Republicans:


So far, the following administration officials, Democrats and Republicans have tested positive for the virus.


We are not sure why this list is only Republicans but many Americans are concerned:


Yesterday Townhall reported the City of Cleveland tied 11 cases this past week back to the Presidential debate.


These cases started with pre-planners and organizers of the debate:


Officials for the City of Cleveland said 11 cases of the Wuhan coronavirus could be traced back to the Sept. 29 presidential debate. The cases were a result of debate pre-planning and set-up, with the majority of cases impacting out-of-state travelers, particularly debate organizers and members of the media.


Today we’ve unearthed some more information on this unique occurrence in Cleveland coming from another Internet sleuth. The 11 people who got COVID-19 in Cleveland were media or planners/logistics people who worked in the days prior to the event:


Neither campaign tested onsite the day of the debate due to time limitations and instead the parties relied on the “honor system”:


Hmmm – It is interesting that only Republicans, including the President, contracted COVID-19 after the debate last week.

Anonymous ID: 331b9b Oct. 4, 2020, 2:22 p.m. No.10920897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1034 >>1132 >>1190

Nunes Suggests Shutting Down Intel Agencies Until They Turn Over ‘Smoking Gun’ Trump Information


Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, on Sunday suggested shutting down U.S. intelligence agencies if they refuse to turn over information they collected on Donald Trump during the 2016 election.


In an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Nunes said that he is aware of intelligence he described as “smoking guns” that should be declassified and released to the public.


“Every Republican senator and member of Congress should be saying…we want every damn bit of evidence that every intelligence agency has or it’s maybe time to shut those agencies down,” said Nunes.


Nunes was discussing a memo from John Ratcliffe, the director of national intelligence, released this week through the Senate Judiciary Committee.


The memo said that U.S. intelligence agencies obtained intercepted Russian intelligence agencies discussing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s authorization of a plan to link President Donald Trump to the Kremlin’s hacking efforts.


The U.S. intelligence community made an investigative referral to the FBI in September 2016 regarding the information, according to the Ratcliffe memo.


Ratcliffe quoted the referral as mentioning the “approval of a plan concerning U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private mail server.”


The underlying information is still classified, preventing lawmakers who have seen it from talking about it publicly. Partisan debate has erupted over whether the information is Russian disinformation.


Nunes said Sunday that the pieces of intelligence he has seen are “definitely smoking guns” that “definitely needs to be made available to the American public.”