Anonymous ID: 7de800 Oct. 4, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.10920417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0437

Following up on the video of the MAGA woman overhearing pro-Trump views in Hollywood, I offer up this true Millennial Waking Up story:


My conservative/Storm aware friends have a college age daughter, currently in major CA university not known for extreme Social Justice politics. This is a girl who had not shown any political interests at all for most of her teen years. Sports, funny, cute animal pictures, The Hunger Games, messaging with friends, One Direction is all she lived for. Then came Covid lockdown, and she's back home living with parents during her final quarter, and through the summer.


One day she ends up going to a BLM protest with friends. This alarmed the parents, who were understandably annoyed hearing left wing propaganda coming out of their daughter's mouth. Both parents are close with her, and they agreed on a plan to turn her around. The TV is in a room adjacent to the kitchen. Mom controls the TV during the day. Mom played Candace Owens and other WalkAway videos on TV, pointing out the contradictions with what the left wing say vs. the truth. While Dad and daughter were driving around shopping, Dad would talk truth. Yes, it was testy at times for a few weeks, but over time she couldn't ignore the obvious.


Then she moved into a Sorority House for the fall quarter, having joined one of the largest Sororities in the country. She and her closest housemate bonded over their new observations about the hypocrisy surrounding BLM/Antifa and the Democrats. Together they dove headfirst into all things GA.


It had been months since I spoke with her, but recently I got the chance to visit with her at her sorority house. I was shocked to learn she was deep into all things Q! The two girls had just finished watching the Fall Of The Cabal documentary series. When they found out I had been part of the QR effort from the beginning, they peppered me with questions! I answered them without going full retard into the fringe aspects of QR. They totally get the glaring stupidity among the Hwood types, specifically mentioning how hilarious and pathetic Jennifer Lawrence was for saying Trump is like President Snow in the Hunger Games! Touching on another Hwood film, when I mentioned the significance of The Matrix and what "taking the red pill" means in today's time, their heads nearly exploded!


I've since learned that a number of her sorority sisters are also asking the right questions! One or two are shell shocked, and don't want to hear a thing, though. I ended up texting her later (the day the house "condemned Qanon) suggesting they avoid mentioning Q, but do bring up the information they know best - Dem/Covid shenanigans, Epstein Island/pizzagate/Hwood/human trafficking/blackmail/MSM brainwashing, Candace, WalkAway.


Imagine my happiness to hear all this coming out of the mouths of these young people! When it happens, it happens fast among this age group. They grew up with the lies around them. Give them a candle flicker of light, and they soon reach for the torch!