Anonymous ID: bc6d4e Oct. 4, 2020, 2:08 p.m. No.10920686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0735

So I am ready to add my 2 cents.


We are supposed to be digital warriors and when I first showed up to the ‘boards’ a few months ago I ‘lurked’ and learned the rhythm.


I am mostly a night shift lurker.


I understand military humor and if all I ever got out of it was military guys doing what military guys do I would’ve tired quickly.


But I saw real news being reported. Live twitter feeds. Riot coverage. Deep dives into organizations and leadership. Q analysis and some speculation but mostly I saw this as a front line news aggregate.


I told my normie friends to look it up.


I liked the regimentation, the orderliness, the protocols. I never felt picked on, sure I got a bit of hazing for newbie mistakes but I even got notabled after only lurking for 4 or 5 weeks.


If these 8kun forums go back to the non-censored hang outs that they are designed to be after our war is won—-cool. It’s not my jam but you do your thing, I’ll do mine.


But I found Great Value in the Product that was being culled from the anons who submitted their research here. I’d read the posts—-some stuff others would post was spoopy and wouldn’t get notabled but I took note. I might even go research it myself. It was valuable. But it wasn’t ‘notable’


It wasn’t high enough quality for me to grab it and post it for SM sites ‘upstairs’


I ‘get’ the philosophical arguments. Maybe we are being played. Maybe Q is Satan or CIA or a psyop.


Convince me. Bring your video clips, your well reasoned arguments, your supporting documents. Do your work.


This whining about being censored is weird and ugly and retarded. Go make your own playground. Invite your friends. Sell your own ideas there.


I came here to be equipped for battle, a digital war with a real enemy who is robbing my kids of a free country and a prosperous nation.


Go be an anarchist somewhere else.