Not a table ?
Conservative Treehouse - welcome to the party , Sundance
Time to shut down rogue intelligence agencies weaponizing the ' Rona
Not a table ?
Conservative Treehouse - welcome to the party , Sundance
Time to shut down rogue intelligence agencies weaponizing the ' Rona
why dont the pope just tell people to " renew on carousel '' , for the greater good of course
In the C.T. top story, Sundance says Q is Larp, but fails to see or address the efforts made to censor / shill / condemn and keep eyes off Q ,
well , bye
hows yer book sellin. jimmy ?
presstitutes go batshit over Trump being a meanie and exposing SS detail to the Rona.
stolen, ty
Video of Trump cruising Walter Reed area is 17 seconds
reads like glen beck scripts