You faggots are fucked, what don’t you understand?
They big mad kek, faggots got their cover blown and don’t know what to do now?
Fucking medianiggers cannot stop lying, subhuman sons of bitches
Thank you fam, please don’t handoff to one of the discord trannies.
Prob just retained a stylist with our tax dollars, she needs to go.
literally threw them outta the kitchen.
Now if we could figure out how to do that with certain “representatives” we might get somewhere. o7
They are a pee pee poo poo excuse for “anons”.
Their fuckery has gone well past it’s expiration date and I’m glad anons stepped up and took back what’s ours.
Exactly. They just make shit up anyway, and when they can’t they steal shit from here.
Think for yourself
Ok, not bad
Fuck off Jennifer Rubin
That’s not how it works fam