Potus rides in the BEAST. body double with most of his face covered rides in a pickup truck.
Potus rides in the BEAST. body double with most of his face covered rides in a pickup truck.
hairline does not match above the ear
I would say green screen recorded off site real time / recent. they needed to respond to something current like the crowd. blurred background used and filmed at POTUS actual location. Body double rides in a pickup truck.
could even be a full mask with the time they had to prepare. looks like the artist was too kind and gave him less grey above the ear
read closer. muzzies too
also he has a mask. so masks don't work now?
Hes been there for days. why would they not have the most advanced protective vehicle there in the event that he had to be evacuated?
body double does not get the beast. body double gets the pickup
full screen, watch the curtain and sofa just at the edge of (his) right arm. shifting and blur. green screen.