Ha, you fucks were all wrong again. "Trump's on a boat! or a Submarine! Or a Plane! OMG! It's Happening! It's Time!" 3 years of failing bigly.
Oh let it the fuck go. He's not on a damn boat. or submarine. or plane. Let it go…nothing's gonna happen
lol…more and more fail every day…and yet the confirmation bias won't allow any of you to let this shit go. You keep finding things that aren't there…like crack addicts looking for their next fix. They'll do anything to keep their high going.
Once again, you've all flopped. Trump broke your simple little hearts with his drive-by…because now you once again have to accept you guys were wrong again. Muh Boat. Muh Submarine. Muh Plane. Muh Habbenings. 3 years of failing bigly. Soon though, Am I Right? kek
Oh, so that's the story you're going with. Gotta keep the delusion going somehow, right?