OSS Just flew over my house!
For reelz
You'll know you're Fungus if this word salad makes any sense.
>red text and post ratio are inversely proportional to relevance.
Posting sauceless nonsense with the air of authority is Fungus.
Fuck off Fungus
You dilator scented, cock gobbling, dipshit.
>Anons. The only PsyOps that the shills have ever been effective with here all are based around SPLITTING the BREAD!
While categorically false, drag you sad cucked homo ass back to comms and tell Fungus and his tranny rimjobbers to quit splitting it. Anons are comfy
Bugger off.****
You just got triggered by eBot in disguise you absolute dipshit!
You stupid cock gobbler. You just told me to see the post you wrote that I was responding too.
Full fucking potato.
The panic is short circuiting their feeble minds.
No he ain't.
>PATRIOTS will pick up soon, and won't let go.
Lunatic. Anons had a choice
They chose wisely.
You not Patriots and never needed.