Anonymous ID: 60573d Oct. 4, 2020, 5:04 p.m. No.10923046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3117 >>3169

Facebook Prepares Legal Defence Against Breakup Attempt by FTC - Reports


Facebook and other technology giants have become the subject of controversy, being accused by government bodies of stymieing competition with their acquisition of other companies as well as impacting politics and freedom of expression.


Legal representatives of Facebook Inc. have warned that attempting to break-up social media giants like Instagram and WhatsApp would defy established law, cost billions, and harm consumers.


Amid rising antitrust legal threats, the lawyers produced a 14-page document, reportedly seen by The Wall Street Journal, which includes a glimpse of the social media giant’s defense.


According to the WSJ, the document was formulated based on work it commissioned from legal officers at Sidley Austin LLP. While not illuminating any specifics, it gives some insight into Facebook's response if it were to be sued on antitrust grounds. It also includes the lawyers’ sense that divestiture attempts against WhatsApp or Instagram would be fought both publicly and in court.


In the paper, Facebook says unwinding the deals it made when it acquired Instagram and Whatsapp in 2012 and 2014 respectively would be a near-impossible task, leading to billions of dollars in maintaining separate systems, as well as weakening security and a diminished experience for customers.


“A ‘breakup’ of Facebook is thus a complete nonstarter”, the paper states.


Last year, Facebook’s acquisitions of the two social media platforms were examined by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) but did not lead to a blocking of the integration.


The company has made huge investments to boost the platforms' growth and they now have numerous shared operations.


Amid rising complaints about Facebook’s disproportionate impact on politics, privacy, and free speech, critics have argued that Facebook's acquisitions - including Instagram and WhatsApp - are anticompetitive.


'No Defense'


Challenges to Facebook's argument that past government inaction should prevent future steps being taken are “surprisingly weak,” said Tim Wu, a Columbia University law professor, tech critic, and author who advocates a break up of the corporation.


Professor Wu claims that an antitrust case would likely be based on the argument that Facebook has made acquisitions that stifle competition, he said. A factor not considered in the initial FTC decision.


“There’s no way a decision on one merger would be preclusive”, he said, citing that the FTC has the right to revisit the deals at a later date.


"Facebook’s claim regarding the difficulty of a potential breakup would also be unlikely to carry legal weight. There is no ‘it’s too hard’ defense”, Mr. Wu said.


According to a WSJ report last month, the FTC was seeking to put together a potential complaint against Facebook before the end of the year as part of wider probes against large companies such as Apple, Amazon, and Google.—reports/

Anonymous ID: 60573d Oct. 4, 2020, 5:06 p.m. No.10923084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3117 >>3169

DHS Grants Millions To Groups Fighting 'Right-Wing Extremism'


Since the largest threat facing the country is white supremacists, according to FBI Director Chris Wray and Homeland Security acting chief Tom Wolf, the Department of Homeland Security has agreed to provide $10 million in grants to organizations which combat 'far-right extremism and white supremacy,' according to the Wall Street Journal.


The department's Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention program will fund groups such as Life After Hate - founded by reformed white supremacists, which helps people trying to do the same. Another group, the School of Communication at American University, will develop a strategy to combat disinformation 'circulated by the far right online,' and others. Life After Hate was awarded nearly $750,000, while the School of Communication received a $500,000 grant.


One of the largest grants, nearly $750,000, went to Life After Hate, which was founded by former white supremacists and neo-Nazis and works with people trying to leave violent far-right movements. The group was first awarded funding under the Obama-era program but had its grant rescinded soon after Mr. Trump took office. -Wall Street Journal


Life After Hate says they will use the funding for its ExitUSA initiative. Executive director Sammy Rangel says their work "has never been more important," adding "This project follows years of innovation in a space that was largely uncharted."


Another group, the Counter Extremism Project, was awarded $277,755 to collaborate with Parallel Networks, which works with inmates at a San Diego County correctional facility who adhere to both white supremacist of jihadi ideology.


In September, FBI Director Christopher Wray told the House Homeland Security Committee that the majority of deadly or violent incidents against others in 2018 and 2019 were racially and ethnically motivated, and are "the most lethal of all domestic extremists since 2001."

Anonymous ID: 60573d Oct. 4, 2020, 5:08 p.m. No.10923104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3117 >>3169 >>3187

New Yorkers Close Fifth Avenue to Support Donald Trump as He Fights Coronavirus



A caravan of more than 100 vehicles shut down Fifth Avenue in New York City to support President Donald Trump as he battles the coronavirus.


The long line of trucks, cars, and motorcycles mostly came from Long Island, bringing traffic to a halt for at least 30 minutes as they arrived outside Trump Tower to cheer for him, shouting “Four more years,” the New York Post reported.


The caravan also honked horns and waved flags in support of the president, but the noise stopped for at least a moment when the group called for a prayer.


“This is a serious situation — the leader of the free world is sick. The leader of the free world needs our support,” an organizer said over a loudspeaker, asking those gathered to “send some good energy to President Trump.”


After the moment of silence was complete, he shouted, “President Trump, we love you!” The group then started chanting, “USA! USA!”


There were no arrests for blocking traffic, and the demonstration remained peaceful.


“There were a lot of cops [but] there was no trouble,” said a local security guard, who estimated she saw the caravan blocking Fifth Avenue almost ten blocks from 54th Street to around 62nd Street. “It was peaceful, no stress. Nobody was hassling anybody,”


Since Trump confirmed early Friday that he tested positive for the coronavirus, there have been a number of rallies in support of the president across the country.


People rallied outside the Oklahoma State Capitol on Saturday, and thousands of Staten Island, New York, Trump supporters wished him well that same day.


There was even a prayer rally outside Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where Trump is currently being treated for the coronavirus.


Trump even surprised his supporters gathered outside Walter Reed with a drive-by while he was seated with a mask on in a Secret Service SUV.