Why does bread #13978 have only 330 posts?โฆ
What happened?
Why does bread #13978 have only 330 posts?โฆ
What happened?
Balfour Agreement.
No, this doesn't mean Reds are "Jewish", but it sure does mean they control them.
You realize that people who use screen names and avatars aren't anonymous, correct?
I can explicitly tie several of them at least to different personas that manifested across several boardsโฆ
Instead, what you mean is that the discord trannies stole the bake from /comms/ faggots.
In essence, there are two dedicated teams, likely controlled by the same entity (or entities) who are synthesizing a disruption of sorts over the board.
Q must be annoyed to see us get so distracted like this.
One group LARPs as feds and the other is full of psyop twats that just gaslight people to no end.
I can almost see another purposeful schism inbound.
These are clear D&C tactics.
Look at you catching onโฆ
See >>10925214
I'm feeling more and more confident about this being the real scenario by the day.
Maybe I just need to be more disciplined, but it feels like I hardly contribute anything anymore because I feel like I should help to explain things to unsuspecting anons.
Actually, I think >>10925036 is sort of on to something.
The conclusion is accurate if nothing else. Maybe the issue isn't so much that there is a lack of happenings (which might easily be explained by POTUS being media-silent at the moment), but that we're consistently nearing [their] demise, so they're shitting up the board as much as possible.
Except that FJ very vividly condemned the vast majority of bakers until Q warned him not to gut the board and its supposed "help".
Everything has to stay out of view for a short while longer, anon.
My guess is that once Odin goes live (likes EOM), we'll start to see some sizable movements.
BO was the first person (maybe barring just a few outliers) who actually brought it up and made a big deal about it.
Mind you, this was just before AFLB started shitting up every bread with bots and annoying tranny screeches.
This is precisely why none of us use any names and are only ever "anon".
The faggots who broke the rules are the ones to blame and it couldn't be any more clearer.