pics related.
anons, please. bakerbabes are gladly tolerated (not by all, fair enough), but must you really indulge in such pointless discussions?
ooh sexy
uh not sexy
muh anime
Thanks for your service, baker. AND PATIENCE.
(disliking the Notable Game more and moar everyday… so much waste)
how about: Notables just go in a Notables thread (there is one already, isn't there?).
-those who use them can go there
-place won't be an issue until 751 posts of them
-bakers can get back to concentrate on baking and not have to deal with attentionwhores
-anons might actually read all the good posts that don't care about being notabled
>slow down the actual research
(re-read points above)… 150+ posts by thread of (baker, notable this/ok/no, don't notable it/ok/baker, you forgot this/ok/baker why didn't you notable my post/ok/etc, etc, etc) sure doesn't speed up research either.
Honestly, if you need Notables for research, you hardly belong here, but that's ok. Not trying to destroy the system, but it's flaws are ever more in our way, so just moving it slightly might be a solution. Just throwing it out here, not insisting.
notsureif all those anons actually believe they're talking to Roseanne
but face hurts from all the facepalm
read. learn.