>>>10923253, >>10923277, >>10923291, >>10923311, >>10923347, >>10923404, >>10923518, >>10923618, >>10923727, >>10923815 Imagineneedingcontrol of /QRESEARCH/ this bad
Imagine being this big a faggit to include your own lies in own bake
>>>10923253, >>10923277, >>10923291, >>10923311, >>10923347, >>10923404, >>10923518, >>10923618, >>10923727, >>10923815 Imagineneedingcontrol of /QRESEARCH/ this bad
Imagine being this big a faggit to include your own lies in own bake
MUH Graphics!
>reasoned argument
What is reasoned about this bullshit?
>>10923253, >>10923277, >>10923291, >>10923311, >>10923347, >>10923404, >>10923518, >>10923618, >>10923727, >>10923815 Imagine needing control of /QRESEARCH/ this bad